srini Raman

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since Oct 16, 2006
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Recent posts by srini Raman

We are going to use MQ series in our project to communicate with other servers.I want to know the following.

1) Can MQ send message to my server as it arrives? Or should I poll MQ to get the message. Please explain how to do it?

2) Is Websphere come with MQ client by default?

3)Please explain how can I write Message Driven bean to handle messages coming from MQ (what configurations I need to do).

15 years ago
We are doing pre-compilation of JSPs as part of our build.So our build breaks with these kind of error messages(One at a time.If we get all the 'problemetic jsps' at one shot it would be helpful). We don't have any try/catch in our JSP files.But weblogic puts our JSP file content inside try/catch block. The limitation is on try/catch block size(64KB). We even don't know what is the upper limit for JSP files. Refactoring may a be tedious task given we have many JSP files.

15 years ago
One more thing I want to add . From Forums I came to know there is 64K limitation in try catch block of generated JAVA files.Can you tell me what is the upper limit of JSP files?

15 years ago
We are using weblogic.jspc compiler for compiling our jsps . With 9.2 JRockIt compiler (in windows) and with Sun and JRockIT(in Linux) it reports “code to large to compile” on try blocks (of generated java code). The error is not consistent. It fails on one file and stops.If we do it again it breaks on another file. Our JSP files were compiled fine with 8.1 weblogic compiler.Can you help?
PS:Breaking up JSPs may not be feasible given we have large number of jsp files.


15 years ago
What interface I need to implement and what configurations I need to do to plugin my own connection so that ibatis uses it.Please explain in detail.
I need to load Singleton classes multiple times.I want to load them using different classloaders .How can I do it? (Even if I create a custom classloader ,I am not able to obtain different references when I initiate the classloader instances using 'new CustomClassLoader()'.I am delegating the control to the parent ClassLoader class in the loadClass() method for loading the class ). If I get different classloader for a class, will the objects created in the loaded class also will use the same classloader?

16 years ago
I want to load some beans by its type programatically after the spring context is initialized.How can I obtain the beans? Please tell me if I need to use contextloadlistener and if yes how to do it.
Sometime I get 'duplicate library entry-- xxx.jar' file in my eclipse setup.I went to .classpath and tried to figure out if it has duplicate.But its not.Moreover the 'OK' Button on the project properties is disabled.So even if i remove that particular jar file from the classpath i am not able to save it.I am not able to set other classpaths too.Please help me out.

Does it require eclipse 3.3? How far the plugin be useful in spring framework related activities?
How can I bind a table values to an array of beans in springs?Is it through property editors? (in table each row should map to a bean so the table should map to a bean array).
I am trying to move rows of a table up and down.For that I need to maintain its background color too.I have copied the rows using innerHTML facility.I am not able to retain color in IE using setAttribute("bgcolor","XXXXX") method.Could you please advise how it can be done?

Can I check if a certificate is in PEM format using any of the bouncycastle APIs? I can do this for private key for PEMReader(using readObject() method). Not sure how to do it for a certificate.
17 years ago
Should i load my log4j in my webapplication or is it enough to place it in the classpath (Inside WEB-INF/classes) ? WHile starting the application is tomcat expecting log4j in that directory?Is tomcat loading it from that location? What if i hav log4j file in multiple directories (one in WEB-INF/classes another in classes/properties folder which i load using my code)?
Could you tell me how a form is binding to the controller in springs.Is it using commandName ? (I guess commandName binds the form to the bean .).But when I submit a form how it identifies the correct controller and goes to its onsubmit method? Will it do URL mapping again as it did for the first time (before referenceData() function is called)?

I am using redirect in successview. It retrieves the view string correctly namely redirect:/my/redirect.htm . I have defined my/redirect in my tiles definition. Should i have a definition for my/redirect.htm?? Or should it be a direct URL??Please help me in understanding this.