Hi All,
Today I cleared SCBCD 5 with 93 %.
I have to thank to the forum which was helpful in clearing many doubts( I was a passive participator though, just going through the topics to get hold of things better).
I had little Work experience in EJB (nothing in EJB 3.0).
Now the long preparation story, for those who are interested
EJB 3.0 by O Reilly
This was my first step towards Certification. I found this book neatly organized with many examples and code snippets.
Particularly the explanation regarding
DD tags, which I repent now

for not concentrating much.
After going through many topics posted, I did not expect many questions in the exam on DD tags, but
I got 7 questions on DD tags concentrating on many objectives.
Though not focused on Certification, this book is worth reading, it will definitely help you to get to know the BASICS right.
Mikalai Zaikin - Study guide
The most well organized study guide available to SCBCD 5
Thanks Mikalai, for the efforts you have put behind for this WONDERFUL guide.
This was the guide which I referred the most, more than the SUN specs itself
Enthuware Simulator
I had to go for Simulator as I had very less preparation, just 2 weeks is not enough to prepare for any exam. The one I chose is Enthuware.
After I took the first exam, which I failed miserably (Just scored 43%), I was so much low on confidence.
But the approach suggested by the Simulator worked right for me. Just a simple approach, take a test find out your weak areas and study them before taking another test. Simple and effective approach, that works in preparation for any exam.
I have to also appreciate the quality of the questions, they cover each and every objective in detail, explanations are great.
Thanks Enthuware Authors for the Wonderful product.
SUN Specs
When I read it the first time, I thought of not giving the exam and sell the voucher
I just could not digest the new concepts in EJB 3.0 in one go, thats where the EJB 3.0 book and Mikalai Zaikin's notes came handy.
After reading the book and the Study guide, I went through the specs to see if it was as difficult as I thought earlier.
But, no it was not that difficult to follow this time

So I would suggest the ranchers who are planning to take the exam, to read any book before going through the specs. Its just the confidence of knowing some thing that makes the difference in the mindset.
- Ramu