Originally posted by Shivit Agarwal:
Class XYZ
Class ABC
public static void MAIN(String[] args)
{ ............}
See here the MAIN is in Uppercase not main. Since Java is case sensitive the program should flag an error but it doesn't. This mean class ABC doesn't get compiled. And two files are formed -
1. XYZ.class(this is okay as it is compiled) but
2. ABC.class if this class doesn't get compiled then how come ABC.class is formed.
Originally posted by Gaurav Ram:
Thanks all for replying. Like Kevin said:
We can do one thing that we can make reference of particular class and access its method/instance variables, like if we want to access instance variable PlayerName, we can write.... and same for other class also.
Will this solution does not work?
Originally posted by Arman Sharif:
A base class should not be aware of its subclasses. If it is, then you should consider refactoring your design.
Originally posted by Fred Rosenberger:
I disagree. interface 1 says "you will have a method called THIS that takes THESE parameters"
interface 2 says "you will have a method called THIS that takes THESE parameters"
Where is the conflict? the problem with the DDD is that it's hard to know which of the two implemented methods to actually run. but with interfaces, the method is only implemented once, so there is no ambiguity.
Originally posted by Prad Dip:
Wasn't Rails the first framework to come up with it. Others followed it ?
Originally posted by Gavin Tranter:
I think, and this is my personal view, that thinking of interfaces as a method of multiple inheritance is "wrong".
Originally posted by Prad Dip:
I like the scaffloding feature of RoR.It is really cool.
I think developers have to test more when they are usinf Ruby.![]()