Sandeep Kumar S Jakkaraju

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since Oct 18, 2006
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Recent posts by Sandeep Kumar S Jakkaraju

For a layman the noise in the news which is fact itself becomes news ...........!!!
I am not freud to even interpret someone else's dream and even get a Phd in psychology..........

For example : A Freudian might say ....that the book was an experiment
But a layman even would pay freud to interpret his dreams about ......
15 years ago
Please send me the topic ... i will send you the article ....

Please see my signature for more details ......
15 years ago
My Replies are vanishing ....please do something .....
15 years ago
you can do "order by rand()" .....if it is an rdbms ......
With my experience of JME .....
I can say we need a some sort of a console or a log file to which i can write to know...
whats happening on the device ....

otherwise I have to just guess .....!!!
15 years ago
According to me .... an individuals opinion is always biased ...... depending on various parameters ,......

Say if the journalist is a feminist ...then he/she will give you feminist opinion .....

To make unbiased news you should have 2/3 or more opinions ...

15 years ago
First you have increase your imagination ..... there are several ways ..........

1) You can read HD ... I expect you to know atleast what HD ...if you dont then you totally lack imagination ....
2) Perceive and Visualize .....

You might increase what is called CQ creativity quotient ......

You can then make new Andriod and sell it to google itself .... or atleast you can sell it even if you cant make one
15 years ago
Does Android platform has a better KVM than JME ???
15 years ago
New Forum for "Funny Posts" ? .....
15 years ago
This is the thought from a completist .... you have learn the Java Platform rather than the ME ..!!!
15 years ago
Thats why there is something called Acess !!! or Oracle .... you cannot increase it !!!
15 years ago
this should also be in that new forum !!!
15 years ago
Hello All

We need a new forum for questions related to logic ..... i mean which can be done in any technology......

15 years ago
You need to give full details about the application !!!
15 years ago