This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Dhanya Palanisamy

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 20, 2006
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Recent posts by Dhanya Palanisamy

Hi ranchers,

How to write & test a sample java card application? Can anyone help me with the basic steps? Please post any useful links.

17 years ago
Congrats Douglas

Can you specify a book which covers all the certification objectives?
Any mock exam links or study material links would be very useful

I am learning XML and thought it would be good to give a certification. IBM 141 is mentioned in this forum but i could not find it in IBM site. Can you please tell me the difference between these two examinations?

Thanks & Regards,
A Pass is a Pass. Congrats !
17 years ago
Hello everyone,

I have to learn J2EE design patterns. For this should i learn GoF patterns first or i can start learning J2EE patterns? Please do help me.
Also to create a web application to register students for a class what patterns should be used?

Thanks & Regards,
thanks a lot Naveen. Reply when you are free.I have the files with me, i dont know how to install that. I added that ide jar file inside eclipse3.2 plugin, What to do about jboss rules jars?, am confused.
18 years ago
Hi Naveen,

That also didn't help. I am struggling for more than a week now. Did you follow the instructions from this link?

The src folder does not contain all the files as shown in the steps. Can you please tell me the steps?

Thank you.
18 years ago
Thanks Naveen. I have downloaded jboss rules-3.0.5 src and when i give this command
ant manual
it says BUILD FAILED due to some error in documentation/manual/build.xml.
Have you encountered any such problems. I am downloading java 5.0 now. Will install that and check.
18 years ago
Hi Michael,

I have eclipse 3.2 and whils building a rules project it gives me an error.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/drools/RuleBase (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

Please help me to solve this, my sdk is j2sdk1.4.2_13
18 years ago
Sorry Mike, have a onchange event like this.
<select name="Drop" onchange="Drop()">
<option value="">
<option value="001">tom
<option value="002">dick
<option value="003">harry

and change the drop down value to default inside the function

function Drop() {
var form = document.forms[0];
form.Drop.option.selectedIndex.value=""; // not sure about the syntax

// -->
18 years ago
Sorry Mike, have a onchange event like this.
<select name="Drop" onchange="Drop()">
<option value="">
<option value="001">tom
<option value="002">dick
<option value="003">harry

and change the drop down value to default inside the function

function Drop() {
var form = document.forms[0];
form.Drop.option.selectedIndex.value=""; // not sure about the syntax

// -->
18 years ago
Hi Naveen,

Thanks for the reply. Is there any GUI for that? Like where an user can enter formulas and conditions. Is there some other strategy for my problem?
18 years ago