Carl Trusiak

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since Jun 13, 2000
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The problem is System.out prints to the Console which you do not have running inside Tomcat. You need to configure and use logging for you application. Her is a good discussion of how to do this.
8 years ago
Without you posting the exact String you want to replace, I can only assume the somehow fall into a Regular expression and it's inappropriate. I suggest you look at java.util.regex.Pattern to determine the correct pattern to use to find what needs replaced.
14 years ago
Well, put it in the ear. The only thing you really need to do beyond the normal specs for a War is to include a jboss-web.xml in the web-inf directory specifying the Web Root Example :

14 years ago
JasperManager method fillReport is overridden and can take as the first parameter, a String Object (Which you are using), an InputStream or a JasperReport object.

Using the String method requires the report template to be on the file system. When you do your deployment, you need to create report directory on the C drive of the target machine and put a copy of reportInvestment.jasper there.

A better way to do this to make deployments easier is to include /reports/reportInvestment.jasper in your Jar file and change your code to :

17 years ago
My answer, use a database!!! If you don't have one configured for you, utilize something like Derby in the embedded mode. This will store your data to the file system for you and allow the easy capability of growing your application easily when the time comes.
17 years ago
20 places will exceed Long.MAX_VALUE of 9223372036854775807 19 places so, Use BigInteger

The second toString takes the radix of the number base. For hex it's 16.
[ August 31, 2006: Message edited by: Carl Trusiak ]
18 years ago
If you are calling for any web resource in another server context, you have become a client and must use client code to do it. You can use HttpClient from Apache Jakarta Commons to do it.
18 years ago
You are manipulating the display in the clients browser, what server side technology you use is up to you (JSP, ASP Perl etc.)

To manipulate these, you'll have to use Javascript in some form or another.

Here is an example of plain Javascript :
18 years ago
You always display the message and continue processing even if the input doesn't meet the requirements.

Add some tests to only display the message if the input is outside the required values and only process if correct.

Another thing, you need to add protection if the user would enter something like "Fred" Hint: try Catch block.
18 years ago
Try running :

java ReadHttpsURL3

See how that works
I suggest you use a DAO Factory pattern, there are several discussed Here in the J2EE Blue Prints book.
18 years ago
You are trying to increament the String not the int
18 years ago
I've seen this, check the permissions on the /home/server/lib/mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar and the folders leading to it. If the user that is running the Cron jobs doesn't have read permission on everything, you can get this.
18 years ago