gopinathang nathan

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since Oct 28, 2006
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Recent posts by gopinathang nathan

- copy the wsdl to a file b.wsdl and xsd definition to a file a.xsd.
- keep both b.wsdl and a.xsd in the same folder and run clientgen
18 years ago
WSDL definition :

XSD Definition[complex type]

complex type attributes, you need to include as per your requirement.
18 years ago
For any SSL application, you should provide rootCA for SSL handshake. Once the SSL handshake is successful, actual webservice invocation takes place. So refering the rootCA at client program varies from webserver to webserver. in general cacerts java trust will be refer as Trust keystore.

where webservice is deployed? what is the client [java/webapp]? For weblogic app server refer
18 years ago
you can use '-Dweblogic.webservice.verbose=true' in WLS 8.1. or you can use the tools like tcpmon to capture explicitly.
18 years ago
Hi Joe and Ulf, as you mentioned, i could directly refer the file and download. Is it possible to log into ftp site and based on the folder name provided, can i browse and get the files in that folder?

For excample
ftp://user [email protected]/gopi/a.txt

i will log in using the URL - ftp://user [email protected]. will be possible to browse folders under the root and get 'a.txt'?

Thanks again
[ November 14, 2006: Message edited by: gopinathang nathan ]
this is bug in wls 9.2 and being fixed by BEA
18 years ago
From the wsdl, i converted the complex to string, now things works fine. so you might need to define other complex types.
18 years ago
For me it seems to be issue with the wsdl. i also get the same issue. i could not see the definition for few complex type in the wsdl.
18 years ago
this doc helped me to connect to ftp and download the files.

but not sure how to browser ftp site. any insight on this appreciated!

Hi All,

is that possible to download a file from FTP using java client. i have tried access servlet via java client. i am not sure about FTP site, any insight on this highly appreciated!

can you please post the wsdl?
18 years ago
complete stack trace please?
18 years ago