Dan Tillotson

Ranch Hand
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since May 18, 2001
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Recent posts by Dan Tillotson

Erm... Wonka-vision???
23 years ago
By the way: I am really enjoying John McEnroe's commentaries on the BBC. The guy still has it in spades. The man is a god.
23 years ago
Well, Tim Henman got through to the semis. He now faces Ivanisovic (spelling?). If Henman wins that match, I will happily (even greedily) suck on a pair of my old, unlaundered, socks. Henman cannot win surely... Could a Brit finally make it to the Wimbledon final?
23 years ago
golden ticket (Willy Wonka)
23 years ago
Wimbledon is fifteen miles up the road from my house. I enjoy tennis, but am irritated by the hysteria that greets all Brit players. The guy that took Sampras to five sets: the UK media have treated him as a world-beating celebrity, and yet he lost that match!! Sampras won. Now, if the Brit had won - that would been an entirely different kettle of fish...
23 years ago
Hamburger Hill (movie)
23 years ago
balls ("intestinal fortitude")
23 years ago