Hongli Li

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since Oct 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Hongli Li

how do you map your dispatcher controller, in web.xml, I assume you used .do as the pattern, so you action have to be sufixed with .do, otherwise spring won't intercept it for you.
14 years ago
artifactId=spring-hello is in your maven archetype:generate command, and why in pom.xml. you have <artifactId>aspectJHello</artifactId> <name>aspectJHello</name>
14 years ago
can you show us your code? without any code is hard to diagnose.
14 years ago
I saw your CustUtilities is using servlet context so I assume you are doing a web app instead of standalone app. what web framework are you using, since most web framework have a spring integration point, and as long as you controller is managed by Spring and if you make CustUtilities as a property of your controller, you wont' need a manual look up for services.
14 years ago
You don't need transaction annotations all over the places, you should keep annotation only for your service class and don't forget to annotation your service class with @Service. As you can see you dependency injected custDAO in CustService. Why not inject a custService instance the same way inside your CustUtilities, there is no need to manually look up custservice there, this is not DI.

P.S add log4j.logger.org.springframework.transaction=DEBUG to your log4j properties file you should see transaction log
14 years ago

Harrison Budiman wrote:Oh..thank you! so if i'am using jasper 3.7.2 i should using ireport with same version too?

glad you solved it, for non classic version of iReport, the version number iReport is the same as the version of jasperReport. I forgot to mention that.
do you have the the value for variables in the details band? if no, the band might not be displayed.
I don't know why you code is not working, can you show me your transaction logs. The aop tag you defined in the xml file can be completely replaced by transactional annotation, you should inject an instance of JdbcTemplate to your application code instead of looking it up mannually, With spring 2.5 you can autowire an instance of jdbtemplate in your client code, further more your CustUtilities class looks like a Dao to me, why not annotate you bean with @repository so that spring can translate all your sql execeptions. By the way what situation prevents you from defining your datasource as a spring managed bean?
14 years ago
I think you can get the answer by reading flex document from adobe, as most control needs a data provider, so in case of MenuBar, you can provide xml as a data provider, from which MenuBar can then be created, Event.Item@label is a way of retrieving the data from the underlying data provider.
14 years ago
one problem I can see is your test method is doing update, and your transaction advice declared read-only=true as opposed to false. By the way when you are using spring, you don't need to use the old-fashion way of declaring datasoure with jndi inside context.xml, you can simple declare you dabasource as a spring bean, and regarding testing you can use junit or testNg, instead of testing your code with jsp or servlet.

14 years ago
before you deployed your application to tomcat, have you done any load tests? a good load test should give you some good estimate of memory usage.
14 years ago
I think your problem falls into deep linking category, you can store you states by using programmatic hash state management. general idea is after each ajax call you need to keep the state by appending/replacing state information to the url after the # sign(fragment). History & bookmarking are both done through hashchange event. there are many javascript libs do that. jQuery BBQ is what I used.
14 years ago