Alexander Bunkenburg

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since Nov 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Alexander Bunkenburg

Thanks for your reply. I should be more specific. I'm not asking about the advantages and disadvantages of logging in general. I am askng about logging from many threads to a single file. It seems that writing to one file is a point that all the threads must synchronise on, and that it could slow them down. The application could lose scalability.

Have you had experience with that?

I have now found x4juli which seems to address writing to multiple files. I will try it out soon.
Hello people

I am considering logging business events in a J2EE web application by using Java logging and FileHandler. I am wondering whether that could cause a performance bottleneck, since many log records will be written to the one file. I am doing google searches, but it seems people are not hindered by FileHandler.

What are your experiences and opinions?

Is logging a busy web application to one file with java logging and FileHandler likely to become performance bottleneck?

Hello people

I am considering logging business events in a J2EE web application by using Java logging and FileHandler. I am wondering whether that could cause a performance bottleneck, since many log records will be written to the one file. I am doing google searches, but it seems people are not hindered by FileHandler.

What are your experiences and opinions?

Is logging a busy web application to one file with java logging and FileHandler likely to become performance bottleneck?

Hello people

I am preparing our team for SCJA. I have not taken the exam yet. I see that one of the objectives requires familiarity with java.awt and java.swing.

How much of those two is required for the exam?

Since we are programming for the server, the programmers have no previous knowledge of these packages and learning the material is not relevant to work. So I would like to keep it short!

In the topics IO and java.util we can do more easily because that material is relevant to us.

Thanks for any comments!

Cameron: I've ordered your book from amazon but since it takes ages to deliver, I cannot wait for it.
18 years ago
Great! That's what I wanted. Thanks, Cameron.
18 years ago
Hello people

Thanks for your previous answers. Especially Cameron: Of course I know your web site, thanks!

Does the exam mention break and continue in loops?

I would very much like not to teach them because I think they are superfluous and confusing. If I teach them, people may start using them in our project, and I would like to avoid that.

18 years ago
Hello people!

I am preparing for th SCJA exam. In fact, I am preparing all our team.

I have some questions about this exam objective:

"Develop code that implements simple class associations, code that implements multiplicity using arrays, and recognize code that implements compositions as opposed to simple associations, and code that correctly implements association navigation."

I know what association and composition are. I would implement multiplicity N using arrays (or List) following the JavaBeans conventions for indexed properties, described at indexed property.

Would that be correct for the exam?

How do I recognize compositions as opposed to simple associations? Maybe I don't understand the question properly. I would implement them the same.

How do I correctly implement association navigation? I think with a JavaBean with an indexed property, the client can navigate to the associated other object. Is that correct for the exam?
18 years ago
Hello people!

I am preparing for the SCJA exam and I would like to know whether its content is really as limited as the exam objectives of indicate. For example, there is nothing about inner classes. Is that correct?

18 years ago