Smith Jone

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since Nov 15, 2006
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Recent posts by Smith Jone

You should understand to 48hrs = within 2 days :roll:
48hrs rule is not "MUST".
Fix Your Windows Date(or Linux Date and so on),and You can test this rule.

[ November 25, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
Now,My UrlyBird almost completed except perfect Locking.
Finding Mechanism - Hotel or City / Just Hotel / Just City
If ComboBox is Just hotel & Just city ,another TextField is uneabled & Set Background(GRAY);

[ November 24, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
Yes, I use Cookie,just in case.As following code...
How do you implement Locking?

But,Cookie is a good-for-nothing so far.
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]

1. we don't need to store a cookie
2. we don't need to have a datastructure that stores key value pairs (we can use an arraylist instead for example)
3. we can put a cookie in if we want to in the way you described

OK,I understood that you said.
Of course,You should use arraylist or vector in Locking method.
But, You&I may have a datastructure that stores key value paris.
Because Anything will do. (in this case - Locking mechanism)

By the way,You applied Object Adapter Pattern in Database,too ??
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
My Program has Two interface(DBMain,DBClient);

AdapterDB is Adapter Class

Data(Data Access) is Adaptee Class

Because I must implement Sun supplied interface(DBMain),
So Data class implement DBMain. Make sence??

I must throws IOException in interface as DBClient-interface which declare IOException.It doesn't exist in Sun supplied interface(DBMain)
Because RemoteImplement class must declare RemoteException about Data methods.

Is this Object Adapter Pattern for Sloving these problems??

[Edited topic title. Believe me, nothing is "Important" on JavaRanch, unless we say so ]
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Hi,Keith Jones

I don't have the Cookie in my UrlyBird too
But, other versions have the cookie.

We don`t need to make a cookie beacuse of aother version.

If you want to make cookie,Look at the following code.

Cheer up Jones

[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]

If you need to throw checkable exceptions you can :
1.Run in panic up and down
2.subclass the RecordNotFoundException
3.chain them in RunTimeException.
4.The same like 1 but now with a relaxed air.

What is the "panic up and down & relawed air" ?? Could you explain it for me ?
If I have subclass the RecordNotFoundException,Can I declear the RemoteException on Remote Interface??

How chain them in RuntimeException ??
Following I implement Data Class.

Data implements DBMain,DBMainEx
If IOException isn't added on DBMainEx,I get a Complie failureoverridden method does not throw java.rmi.RemoteException
Because RemoteExcepion is subclass of IOException.
Do you Understand?

Origianlly, DBMain extended DBMainEx.And Class Data implements DBMainEx.

But,I changed for RemoteException(subclass of IOException).

Do I receive a cut in marks ? by marker
Is that Automatic Failures??

Any unimplemented exceptions in this interface must all be created as member classes of the suncertify.db package. Each must have a zero argument constructor and a second constructor that takes a String that serves as the exception's description.

[ November 20, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]

[ November 20, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
[ November 20, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
Why do I'll get a lower score on the GUI part ??
Do I receive a cut in marks ? by marker

Is it all right??

This Column(Record No.) has to exist to display correct TableModel interacting with Data class(DB records) and The "Record No." field act the Primary Key.

It is very important to me.


Again ~

Do I receive a cut in marks ? by marker

Is it all right??
[ November 15, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]
Hi~ nice meet you , I am first-time visit in Javaranch.
I am English well..Sorry
This is my Gui.
I added "Record NO."field in Jtable.

Is this no problem?? Do I receive a cut in marks ? or not ?

Answer me,please ~
Good Day

[ November 15, 2006: Message edited by: Smith Jone ]