rohini gundu

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since Nov 16, 2006
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Recent posts by rohini gundu


I am willing to take up EJB 2.0

Thank you very much.
I want to know the specifications and the exam number.

Hi everyone,

I have completed SCJP & SCWCD.I would like to take up SCBCD. Please suggest me the books and the version of the exam.

Thanks in advance,
I think its only for that connection object on which the auto commit has been called. Because by default if we get a new connection its in auto commit mode.
In the sun specs its given as follows:

public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
throws SQLExceptionSets this connection's auto-commit mode. If a connection is in auto-commit mode, then all its SQL statements will be executed and committed as individual transactions. Otherwise, its SQL statements are grouped into transactions that are terminated by a call to either the method commit or the method rollback. By default, new connections are in auto-commit mode. The commit occurs when the statement completes or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first. In the case of statements returning a ResultSet, the statement completes when the last row of the ResultSet has been retrieved or the ResultSet has been closed. In advanced cases, a single statement may return multiple results as well as output parameter values. In these cases the commit occurs when all results and output parameter values have been retrieved.
autoCommit - true enables auto-commit; false disables auto-commit.
SQLException - if a database access error occurs

Hope you have understood.

[changed code tag to quote so doesn't wrap page]
[ February 21, 2007: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]
Instance variables are thread safe only when the servlet is implementing the SingleThreadModel.
But class or static variables are never thread safe.

This information i got while doing a mock test.
But i am not sure if this is correct.


Can you please forward me the notes on Dynamic Attributes by Bryan?

Suppose that in the jsp file you have the following taglib directive
<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/SimpleTagDemo.jar" prefix="h" %>
i.e., if the path in uri points to the jar file as in the above line, then there is no need for mentioning it in the web.xml.
But in the question in the taglib directive uri path is not the path where the jar file is placed. So you need to mention it in the web.xml.
Hope i am clear.
yes you can use that expression in your jsp. The statement will return either true or false.
I have also tried that example on my local machine.
But it doesnt show any error.It just skips doAfterBody() method.

I want to take up SCWCD exam. when i saw the sun website, i found two versions of the exam available.
I am not sure which one to take up. I have completed SCJP 1.4
Please let me know whats the difference in the exam.Also what are the versions of the servlet and jsp that we need to know for the exam.


i have tried that example on my local machine and its working fine.Also they havent specified what is the <body-content> in the the tld file. If we spcify that <body-content> as jsp then BODYCONTENT is a part of the output.But if we specify that it is tagdependent then that part wont be part of the output. I have tried this on the container which supports only 2.3 servlet specification and 1.2 jsp container specification.

I dont know if it behaves differently on servlet 2.4

Please correct me if i am wrong.

I have run that example and i got printed "How are you?" in the jsp.

Can you me the total question with the options so that we can check that.

i will print whatever we have written in the doAfterBody() method.