Maciej Jankowski wrote:Congratulations!
Can you see this certificate in your CertView page? What date do you have in "Date Achieved" column. I have the date when I downloaded the assignment from pearson site, not the date when I submitted the assignment or took part III. Just curious if this is common.
Krzysztof Grajek wrote:Congratulations!!! I'm still waiting for mine, just out of curiosity, what was your assignment title?
Gurunath Dharmar wrote:Hi All,
I have uploaded my assignment (factory homes) on 15th july and still waiting for my result.
But i can see in this forum that many had got the result even within 2 weeks and submitted after july 15th.
Anyone please explain what sort of grading system is this.
Thomas Kruse wrote:I had to wait about 10 weeks...
fahd helwani wrote:
I got mine after two days from the day I sent my assignment and took the exam.
Krzysztof Grajek wrote:Ok Krzysztof, I did as you said and now I can only wait, thanks for your help. Do you know anything about the deadline date (it was last day of July but I think I've read somewhere that it was extended - but I can be wrong).