paresh doshi

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since Nov 20, 2006
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Recent posts by paresh doshi

Hi ,

I have wsdl files in my src/main/resources folder. In wsdl files i have to provide the place holders based on the profile. I am placing the text as below:

<wsdl:port name="SecCode" binding="tns:SecCodeBinding">
<soap:address location="${SecCode.url}"/>

and in maven pom.xml i specify as below:



It gives error as below:

Embedded error: Error running Axis
Emitter failure. Invalid endpoint address in port AlarmKeySecCode in service SecCode_ServiceLocator: ${SecCode.url}

Can any one help out.
15 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

i have one query regd the ROLE_ADMIN, in my case i have the role_mstr table where roles defines are like
1 - Admin
2- Normal User
3 - Read Only User.

Now in this case i need to show/hide links based on the above roles. How to link the above roles to spring security configuration.

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago

I have the sso enabled application which does the authentication of user. I need to implement authorization in my applicaiton. The links on my jsp like delete, save should be disabled for the readonly users.

Can anyone please provide the link or any step by step tutorial as how to configure that in my application.

Thanks in Advance.
15 years ago
Below is the exact error message:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'TestDAO' defined in class path resource [com/test/test1-context.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'dbResourceHandler' while setting bean property 'dbResourceHandler'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'dbResourceHandler' is defined
15 years ago

I have a standalone executable jar which uses spring injection through test1-context.xml. The dependency code is as below:

<bean id="TestDAO" class="com.test.dao.TestDAO">
<property name="dbResourceHandler"><ref bean="dbResourceHandler" /></property>

here dbResourceHandler is the injected bean property, which lies in a different jar file. I have the dbUtils.jar in my classpath and i import context file using the below text:

<import resource="classpath*:com/**/resource-context.xml"/>

The entry of the dbResourceHandler in dbUtil jar is as below:

<bean id="dbResourceHandler" class="com.test.dbutils.DBResourceHandler">
<property name="dataSourceUK"><ref bean="dataSourceUK" /></property>

It seems that the dbResourceHandler is not being injected properly and the code gives error:

ClassCastException: com.test.dbutils.DBResourceHandler not found.

15 years ago

I have a standalone jar file which makes a DB connection. Can i use JNDI lookup for connection as we do in web applications ?

If we can use can anyone provide the sample code. Also provide information on how to setup the jndi name.

Thanks in Advance

Can any one please provide me an example, how to write the unit test case for Spring Controller having showForm and ProcessForm method.

Please provide tbe sample code. Thanks in advance.


15 years ago

We have a project in springs framework, with following layers:

What is the best way to implement the exception handling ?

Is it good to propogate all the exceptions to Controller and handle it ? Or Kindly suggest the best approach to achieve the same.

Please help.

15 years ago

I want to call the Oracle procedure using java spring and Hibernate. Could you please provide the sample code, for calling the procedure using Hibernate.

Hi Team,

I am facing a problem in displaying Euro symbol (€) and the Superscript letters like () in the text box of my jsp. I have tried using the encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15), but no luck. It shows me Box instead of Euro symbol. I have used following lines for page encoding in my jsp.

<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

Can anyone please help me out. Its urgent.

15 years ago

I have a jar file that reads the XSD file and parse the input XML through that every time. Can if be possible to load all the XSD files in Cache at once, and every request to that jar file will pick up the data from Cache, so that the performance is improved to a great extent.

Can anyone provide some idea or sample code.


I have an application in Springs.I have a variable set in the Map in my controller which is in session. I need to use that variable in my jsp using the jstl tags so that i can access it from session scope in multiple jsps.

Can anyone provide me the tag with syntax that can be used to achieve the required thing.

Thanks in advance.

16 years ago
I am new to Websphere. Can i get some study material or documents to start with Websphere. Mainly the configurations and the deployment of war, ear files in WAS and admin related functionalities.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

I have used <base target="_self">, to open the page in same window afer submit in the show modal dialog. It works fine in IE-6.

In IE-7 it opens everytime in new window. Can anyone suggest any work around for this problem. Is there any way to get the same behaviour in IE7


I have various buttons in my jsp. I want those buttons to be operated using keyboard shortcuts.

Example - Ok button should be operated using Alt + O. and the label of button OK should have underscore under the shortcut key.
Eg- <u>O</u>K.

Many thanks in advance.