pandu chinnu

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since Nov 21, 2006
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I have a question. Why is it simple for a word processing software (one that reads number of words, words greater that x characters etc) to deal with text file(.txt) and not with a doc file (.doc) file??

Is there any special requirements or what are the points taken into consideration while developing the software for a .doc file?

Thanks in Advance
17 years ago

I have been creating new projects and have created simple java programs in eclipse. Now I wanted to import an external .jar(.zip) file. I created a new project and right clicked > import > Archive file >Browse > select archive file and press finish. This imports the .jar file. However the .jar file is imported under the project name and i can't see any .java or .class files.

When I try and run,,,,,,it dosen't execute.

Can somebody give me the basics of jar file and how to execute it in eclipse?

Thanks in advance
I have created a class with main method that creates a GUI.I have also created a WordCount Class and intend to create a class for each of the functionality. Now how do I create implement the word count in the main class?
17 years ago

I am currently doing a project where in I have to create a gui which reads a text document and gives options to output :

1) the number of words in that document
2) number of words with 9 or more characters
3) top 10 frequent words in the document
4)Words which occur only once or occur twice in document

5) total number of paragraphs in the document and the average paragraph length in the document. (Paragraph length should include total words in a paragraph and total sentences in a paragraph)

6)total number of sentences in the document and the average sentence length in the word document.(Number of words in each sentence divided by total number of words in all sentences in the document)

7) Finally an option to search for a particular word.

Could someone help me with the design. How to go about it. I have already created the GUI. Iam able to read the document too.
17 years ago

I thought of that, however panel1 contains panel2 and panel3 which again contains a number of components. So do I again rewrite the entire code?

Even if I do some thing like:

it dosen't seem to work,,,only the Author Three tab displays.
17 years ago

I was trying to create tabbed pane each pane name 'AuthorOne' , 'Authortwo' and 'Authorthree' ; however all having the same fuctionality. That is, on clicking any one of the three tabs, you get to see the same panel. The panel that I have added to all three tabs is Panel1, however on running the code I see only author 3 tab...what happened to authorone and author2 tab. Please note that panel1 contains another 2 panels with buttons and textarea.

17 years ago
Thanks, now it shows the path. However if I have to implement an action on the chosen text. Say I need to count the number of words in the chosen text document, how do I go about doing it? Say if I have a button name 'word count' . On pressing that button I have to implement an action listener. So we come to the listening do we action on the selected text?

17 years ago

I want to open a file chooser by clicking the browse button. I have managed
to have a have a open dialog box which shows me all the directory of mycomputer. However when I select a file it dosen't show the path of the file in the text field next to the browse button. How do I select a file and implement action on it?

my code was as follows:

17 years ago

I have been working with eclipse from the last week. It was all working fine.I was doing small example programs.Yesterday when I ran a program I got this NullPointerException.I tried to see if I had done any mistake in the coding...but it was all fine, moreover all my old programs which were working fine are also showing the same error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException"
at Javax.swing.JMenu.add(

when I click on the above, it shows Source Not Found - The jar file rt.jar has no source attachment. It also says you can attach the source by clicking attach source below : An Attach Source button.

Can anybody clarify the exact steps to rectify this problem??

17 years ago
Hi can you add one panel to another panel? U have said that one can add a gridlayout(0,2) to the JFrame(If I add that the position of my menubar goes haywire),,,,so I thought to add a panel1 to the main JFrame (with GridLayout(0,2)) and then add another panel2 to the first coloumn of the orginal panel1.(making the new panel gridlayout(3,3)) ,,,,,however

can you add a new panel to another panel?if so how? and also how do you specify(say there are 2 coloumns in panel1 per gridlayout) to add the new panel to the first coloumn?(Also should menubar be included in the panel or added directly to JFrame?

Please clarify.....Iam working on this for 2 days(I don't want to use any GUI buider - i have to hard code it).

17 years ago

Iam trying to create a frame with Menubar and Menuitems(which i have done successfully), next I want to create 9 buttons (3 rows and 3 coloums) on one half of the frame and a text area on the other half that displays results of the button events.

Please help me with the layout as Iam unable to get the buttons in position.(like those of calculator)...

17 years ago

I added the following main to the previous code

the program runs creating an Orange rectangle inside a frame,,,thanks. I had thought that it would work if we called the paintComponent() from within main. What is the reason that it dosen't work that way?
17 years ago
Hi there,

I was looking at this code in head first -

How do you implement the main method for this program?
17 years ago
thanks for the suggestion, however I am not too familiar with maps.I was thinking of using Lists. Can you guide me if List would be fine or direct me where I can learn basics about maps.(Urls or other resources)
17 years ago
Hi there,

Iam developing a complete application for the first time. It is a document processor giving out word counts, Words with more than 'x' characters in length, frequency of words in a document, word search(tells if a word is available or not and if available then gives its frequency).

My question is how do I decide the best data structure to be used for this problem.I believe as words are involved, speed would be a critical issue for large documents. Can someone suggest candidate datastructures and why one might be better than the rest for this problem.Or is it better to use more than 1 data structure?

17 years ago