Hi can you add one panel to another panel? U have said that one can add a gridlayout(0,2) to the JFrame(If I add that the position of my menubar goes haywire),,,,so I thought to add a panel1 to the main JFrame (with GridLayout(0,2)) and then add another panel2 to the first coloumn of the orginal panel1.(making the new panel gridlayout(3,3)) ,,,,,however
can you add a new panel to another panel?if so how? and also how do you specify(say there are 2 coloumns in panel1 per gridlayout) to add the new panel to the first coloumn?(Also should menubar be included in the panel or added directly to JFrame?
Please clarify.....Iam working on this for 2 days(I don't want to use any GUI buider - i have to hard code it).