ganu hegde

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since May 23, 2001
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Recent posts by ganu hegde

Dear All,
I have tried the procedure to connect Apache with Tomcat on RedHat Linux , but it does not work.
The procedure says it requires file but it is not available , instead is available for download.
Please help me in solving the connectivity between Apcahe and Tomcat on RedHat Linux.
Is there anyone who had done it before ?
I have included the following in the httpd.conf file of apache
LoadModule jk_module libexec/
AddModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/
JkLogFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
Please reply to the earliest.
Thanking You in Advance.
Pravin Joshi.
23 years ago
Hi all,
I have an application on iPlanet 6.0 sp2 on Windows-NT. Now i wish to deploy this application to BEA
Weblogic6.0Sp1 also on NT. In iPlanet.. I have given JNDI name as <jndi-name>ejb/ABC<jndi-name> in the
ias-web.xml and in the client i am looking up for this JNDI name as "java:comp/env/ABC". I have used
Context ctx=new InitialContext();
When I port the same application on BEA(I deployed the ear file) and try to run the client it gives
error "Unable to resolve java:comp/env/ABC". for EJB's .
Is there any other step i should take other than deploying the ear file.
I don't want to change either client or ejb's.
Please suggest a way to handle this problem.
Hi All,
Can anyone please tell me how does TomCat perform.
What is the maximum concurrent hits it can handle.
Does this factor also depend on operating system?
If i want to develop my application on Linux with database as oracle and tomcat how much load can Tomcat take.
The application consists of JSP's and servlets with Tomcat intergrated with Apache.
Can anyone help
23 years ago
I am working on Iplanet Apps Server(6.01) on Windows NT.
How do i give include a custom package in the classpath. In other words how do i append existing classpath
Thanking in advance
23 years ago