veena sasikumar

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since Nov 27, 2006
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Recent posts by veena sasikumar


I have done settngs in internet explorer to send the requests for every visit of a page. Other than this, can i do something in coding level to avoid this caching?

thanks and regards
17 years ago
If it is a caching issue in the server, How can I avoid this?

thanks and regards
17 years ago
Hi all,

Thanks for the replies. I am using jdk 1.4 in my development as well as production environment and I understand from the discussion that,I can use clone for my requirement.( though I read from the replies,I haven't understood the exact difference between shallow copying and deep copying. )

17 years ago
Hi all,

I am facing a peculiar problem in the design of a JSP page. My purpose is to produce a report using iText(Please note, this has nothing to do with my problem). I am using a JSP page through which I enter from date and to date between which I require the report. Once I click on the "View report" button, a javascript function will be executed to submit to an action class(Struts) and the code used for this is

My Problem is that whenever I take a report second time by entereing a new date and time, i am getting the report I had taken the previous time. I am using internet explorer and I have set "every visit to the page" in settings. Also in JBoss server, I experience the problem less often compared to websphere which is my production server.

The variable "dGetTime" is added for making sure that each time of submission, the time will be literally different(i thought, i can solve the problem like this).The use of oldAction and oldTarget is for handling the problem of resubmitting the form.

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
Thanks for the reply. My requirement is that after modifying the String[] object, I should be able to get a second object. Presently, I am using clone() method of object class to create a new object with the same structure of the old String[]. I want to know whether this is a right approach or not..

Thanks in advance

17 years ago
Hi all,

I am creating a String array during the program and adding to an arraylist. After that I am calling a method getOldChildRecords with the argument as String[] and adding the returned String array again to the ArrayList

The String array added in line 5 is also get modified due to the method getOldChildRecords. What procedure is the best to add two different objects using line 5 and line 6.

Thanks in adavance

17 years ago

Thanks for the reply. My problem is not this. I want to write a query based on the time.But if the postings are done at different timings, my query will fail. Can I rely on the matter that, all the statements will be posted to the database at the same time?

thanks and regards

17 years ago

I have more than one( it can go up to 10) insert statements for entering data in to a table which I am doing with PreparedStatement. In all the insert statements one of the parameters is time and I use sysdate as the value of this field. Till now, whenever I commit at the end of all transaction through java, I am getting the same time entered in to the database. Will it be same in all cases.

Thanks and regards

17 years ago
I have been greatly benefitted from the book Programmers Guide to java certification and I have 1st and 2nd edition of the same book. I am looking for a book which is having the same style of writing and focuss on swing, database and rmi. Will the book Java Actually suite my requirement?

Thanks and regards

17 years ago

I posted this question after doing some search in the API. In my knowledge, I feel there are no classes available for the same. Could anybody give some input to this topic.

thanks and regards

17 years ago
Dear all,

I would like to develop a licensing software for providing three types of licenses, demo, trial and customer. Could anybody give an idea of how to start with. I have developed the product(internet cafe software) using VB as well as java. Can I use java for implementing licensing in both the cases.

Thanks in advance,

17 years ago
Dear Mr.Bear Bibeault,

thanks for the answer. It cleared my doubt


Dear All,

I have been using struts for quite sometime for the development. Our framework ( basically struts) involves, javascripting and Ajax too. Very often my reporting officer ask me to change the validations in to Action class. How can I actually decide where to use javascript and where not. Though our framework uses Ajax, I don't know anything on Ajax. Is the book Ajax in Practice is a book for beginners ?

thanks in advance,
Dear Mr.Ulf Dittmer ,

Thanks for that information. I was not aware of that. When I looked at API,I saw the methods as deprecated and I felt that these methods would not be supported in future.

17 years ago
Dear all,

Thanks for the reply of Mr.Ulf Dittmer and Mr.Shawn Vader . I didn't want to use deprecated methods. That is the reason I didn't use methods in Date class.

The suggestion given by Mr.Shawn Vader is working fine,and I added a one to get the current year.Though I looked in APIs, I couldn't understand it fully.That is why I posted the question.

Thanks once again for the replies and a special thanks to javaranch.

17 years ago