Sayak Banerjee

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since Nov 28, 2006
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Recent posts by Sayak Banerjee

Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:

I smell Roxette here.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
Our office basement is logged with water, elevators are not working, walked to 15th floor now AC stoped working anything from your side ?

I'm sure Jason Voorhees must be lurkin around somewhere there.
17 years ago
I was informed by a friend of mine.
17 years ago
I tried to get on to Yahoo Launchcast but I was directed to thisthis instead. I guess this is quite serious an issue now. I really feel for these guys. I can't even imagine a day without the internet radio and this one does bother me a bit.
17 years ago
I always try to get 8 hours of sleep but I don't remember hitting that number for a long time now......I think I can only manage 6-7 hours of sleep at night......n sleeping during the day is a strict no-no for me.
17 years ago

Did anyone went for this concert?

Yup...I did.....It was good but it was too short a duration for a concert.

First time in India, there was a popular international band performing

That's not true at all.....Jethro Tull, Deep Purple, Gypsy Kings, Uriah Heep have all performed in India much before Iron Maiden did.
17 years ago
Finallllllllyyyyyyyyy.....the Bad Boys from Boston did get their first 'Taste of India'......I'm real glad to have made it to this was an electrifying experience.....Steven Tyler is still the schoolkid.....oh boy! it was raw energy unleashed.....definitely making a point that age is just a number.
With the trademark scarf round the mikestand, he was running all around the stage, teasing and tantalising the audience. He clinched it with "How are you feeling, Bangalore?" followed by "Hamara dil aapke paas hai" ....The crowd just went wild.
The opener was Taste Of India , being played live for the first time in about seven years. Then there was Love In An Elevator, Eat The Rich and Cryin'....but the most defining song of the evening was Dream On, the anthem that had made Aerosmith. This was followed by Livin' On The Edge and then an animation intro to Walk This Way.
"The best thing that India has given to the world is not the Vindaloo, not the elephant ride....but what Aerosmith appreciates the most-the Kama Sutra"-- was what Mr. Joe Fuckin' Perry had to say before diving into Stop Messin' Around....By now Steven had managed a pagdi(that's an Indian headgear) and was sayin' Namaste (again an Indian greeting) to the crowd....he wrapped it up with I don't Wanna Miss A Thing....honestly the last song was a bit disappointing thing for me....I'd really really expected them to finish off with Janie's Got A Gun or Dude Looks Like A Lady.....But then, this is just their first concert....who knows--maybe I'd get lucky the next time
17 years ago

Originally posted by John Smith:
Unchained Melody beats them all. Complex, rich, and powerful. I wanted to link the "Ghost" version, but YouTube requires additional steps to listen to that one. You know why.

[ May 23, 2007: Message edited by: John Smith ]

I'm not much into romantic songs, but I always thought Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers was a cut above the rest.
17 years ago
Schindler's List makes it to the top. But others like Saving Private Ryan, The War At Home, Savior, Million Dollar Baby, Bourne Identity, Blow, Dr. Zhivago would appear in quick succession in the list of my top ten pick.
[ May 22, 2007: Message edited by: Sayak Banerjee ]
17 years ago
It's so very difficult to mention ONE......there are soooooooooo many.....'Roadhouse Blues' by The Doors, 'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd, 'Going to California' by Led Zeppelin, 'Me n My Bobby McGee' by Janis Joplin, 'Baker Street' by Gerry Raferty, 'Like a Rollin Stone' by Bob Dylan, 'Amazing Journey' by The Who, 'Don't Come Around Here No More' by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are a few that comes to my mind right now.
17 years ago
Aerosmith would be performing in Bangalore on June 2. There are different categories of tickets by Aeroforce One this time.....There's a category for a back stage tour as well .....I can harly wait to catch Tyler perform 'Dream On', 'Janie's got a gun' n stuff.
17 years ago
I love the ads too....They sure generate some good traffic for the site.

I think buying a Mac would definitely fetch somebody a lot more than hip points.

I've always worked on Windows but my very first experience with a Mac was enough to sow the seeds of hatred for Windows. Trust me, it's a completely different experience. Now, that's something that you'd have to experience for yourself. As for citing some advantages here are a few-- some 60 odd viruses for a Mac over a million ones for Windows(practically Mac doesn't require an antivirus), enhanced security compared to that on Windows, quick startup and shutdown, the archive n install feature, the number of bundled softwares like iDVD, iLife, GarageBand, etc., are just a few worth mentioning. Moreover, if you want to run MS products on a Mac that's possible too.....from MS Office to IE, you got all of them for a Mac.

But I agree on one's really a bit too expensive......but I guess that's ok when you consider the whole package(because it's not just a computer......IT'S A MAC)
17 years ago
Take my dog out for a long walk.......catch up on some good movies(if any).....go for swimming.....and clean up my room at times
17 years ago