Mallik Avula

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since Nov 30, 2006
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Recent posts by Mallik Avula

All, Am facing small issue with Tuckey URL rewriting.

Issue is, If there is any 'do' in the url it is taking till 'do' as url.
Ex: Misdo-Ginger?categoryId=70187
It is returning
Because it is matching with the rule:

But here, this rule meaning is to match all URL which did not found mapping in urlrewriting.xml.
We are not writing URL rewriting for admin pages. Rewriting only for member facing pages.

Please help me How to make don't match with this rule.
Am looking at <condition> but not clear how to use.
Thanks Peter,

We are trying to see which connection executed for a long time from MySQL end. Because this is happening in production and we are not able to predict when it will be.

And we deployed a small war to take the threaddump, but not able to analyse it. can you please advise how to analyse threads holding the connection.
13 years ago
We have issue with connection pool in jboss. We are facing "No Managed Connections" issue. I can see some other also facing the same.
I guess, Connection pool workings well for normal cases.
But I have few queries,
1. Will connection return to pool if there connection got SQLException(Ex: be lock timeout)? We are closing resultset, statement & connection.

2. Do we need to take any extra pre-cautions when reading a "blob"(In Mysql "text) columns?

3. Is there any issue with jboss at destroying a connection and re-creating it? Like, when there are on-demand created connections, pool will destroy those and will create again when needed. I heard, Once a connection destroyed, jboss will hangup if attempt to create new connection. Is it right?
13 years ago
We have tried using c:import. In my scenario, i want to include a jsp page from physical location. (say for eg: C:\DynamicPages\ ). If there is any solution. Please help..
13 years ago
You can redirect to the confirm page once you completed the database operation.

Ex: You are taking/asking the data in register.jsp
Complete the database operation in servlet then instead of forwarding, redirect the registrationConfirm.jsp

Hope it will helps you
13 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:You haven't given us any information that we can use.

But my guess is that you are using page-relative URLs to the various resources. That's fragile and brraks easily.

Here is some more information for you.

Assume that header and footer are totally static content. So, I made those as html files - header.html, footer.html

Now, Instead of placing these files in the ear, I want to place in the webserver(Apache) /static directory under htdocs. So that we can change the content without redeploying the ear file.

So, I need to include these files in each page means JSP.

If I say like,

I am getting exception like header.html not found. As I know, it is trying to find the header.html file in the application context path and failed.

My question is: How can I say this file fetch from webserver documents means from /static/header.html from htdocs.

Hope this helps to clarify/help me on this.
13 years ago

Am working with application where we are using webserver for content like images, CSS, JS..etc and Appserver for application code.

We are placing all images and able to display in the pages properly. Now we planned to move some static html files as well into the webserver. But, we we used include directive or jsp:include, it is not working.

Any help will greatly appreciated.
13 years ago

I am using ListUtils.lazyList inside the reset method .That is causing problem. I need to iterate the list inside the jsp. I am using nested tags for that reason i have overloaded reset method. This code is working fine when i deploy the code in Jboss, but returning null form object in websphere.

Please check the below code in form

public void reset(ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest request)

params = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList<ParamDefVO>(), new Factory()

public Object create()
return buildParams();


public ParamDefVO buildParams()
ParamDefVO paramDefVO = new ParamDefVO();
List options = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList<ParamOptionsVO>(), new Factory()

public Object create()
return new ParamOptionsVO();
return paramDefVO;
15 years ago
Hi All,

I am overriding reset method in my form class. When i deploy the code in Jboss working fine.But in Websphere returning null form to Action calss.

15 years ago
Hi All,
I have a problem with cookie.
I created the cookie with name and value upon login and It is working fine.
The problem is, after login if member clicks on a anchor it is asking to login to see that page (If the page is only for members not for public).
That should not be the case. Because member is already logged in and she can see that page without re-login.

What i found is, in the browser the string it is using for the 'site' is but not
if we open a page like
the browser is treating it as a new domain. that is why it is not sending the valid cookie (which created after member logged in)

How can I use the same cookie for and and and

I want to say all these are related to same domain.

Can any body help me to solve the problem.
15 years ago
Hi Bauke Scholtz, thanks for the reply.
Here where ever user press enter, the press key code will be 13 only, right?
Then which submit button i can call?

Hi All,
I have a form with two submit buttons.
Here user can fill one section details* and click on the button for that section.
Or can fill total form and can click the button for total.

If the user clicks on the buttons, it is fine.

But, if the user press the enter, i should check in which section user pressed enter.
If she press enter in that specific section, i should use the first button which updates that section details
If she press enter in the rest of the page, i should use the second button which updates that section as well as the rest of the page details.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi pankaj,
for suppose, if you want to re-define a variable in some scope, or if you can to use it in jsp scriptlets, we will use bean:define tag
Where we can specify the scope and new name for that variable... etc
code sample:

You can google for more information about it.
16 years ago
Hi all,
i have a page where user can upload some images. for this i am using <html:file> tag and i am able to upload it into server. Everything is fine for now.
But when the user didn't fill a mandatory item and the page get back with errors, i want to show the file path in that box.
it is not showing the 'value' attribute content in the box.
How can i do it?
Please give some suggestions.

16 years ago
i have written code to load the properties file from database when the application is stated. It is working fine.
But i need to reload by calling that load properties call if any thing is changed in database.
Context is, We are allowing the client to change the page labels. that means client can change the value for the properties file. We will update the value in database. After that we need to reload the properties file again, to reflect the changes in the UI.

Can any body guide me please...
16 years ago