BillyBob Smith

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since May 24, 2001
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Recent posts by BillyBob Smith

When I try to Cast a varchar(2000) to a string my code hangs...
<code> String cb = (String)rs.getObject("column_name");
Thanx in advance
If you have a copy of Visual j++ the is an option on the drop down menu...
23 years ago
My JTree is generated by a database query and also fire's events to run other querys but the database changes the values which affect my tree so I have to rebuild it periodically but I have a problem with if a node it selected and I rebuild the tree the tree resets to the state where all nodes are collasped and none selected.....
If Someone has some example code or any help for me ...

I have got the tree path i want to reset it to stores in a var but I cant make it set the selection
Thanks BillyBob
23 years ago