chanoch wiggers

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since May 24, 2001
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try reading some books on the subject, also, its worth trying google and searching on j2ee interview questions.
21 years ago
if you post the message here then i will look at it. Then other people might learn too. The point of a forum is that lots of people can see if they can help
21 years ago
if you are calling one servlet from another then you probably needs to reconsider how you've coded you app. It is likely you need to extract the code used into a java bean and then you can use it in both without duplicating code or need to spin off another request reponse cycle (causing a double hit to the server for every user hit to that servlet
21 years ago
things have moved on from 1.1 - it is worth doing if you are interested in keeping up with the technology.
21 years ago
if you dont have the experience with 3 tier design I would suggest (only an opinion) that you wont benefit from three tier design as its very complex and the dev cycle is much much longer than flatter architectures. Just make sure that your design is elegant and as simple as possible while still fitting the requirements and you will be ok. Dont use EJBs unless you have sufficient previousl experience to know that you need to as its a specialist technology with less applications than you might imagine
21 years ago
development will take longer? you will need bigger servers and more debugging - its not necessarily a better option however if you need a great deal of flexibility and access to more varied apis that coldfusion can provide its becomes inevitable that you move. The more traditional comparison points - cost, speed of development, ease of maintainance dont apply here as if you have the talent inside the company and coldfusion can do everything you want it to then i woud stick with it. What j2ee primarily provides is access to legacy applications, a huge set of APIs, more room for tweaking for performance.
21 years ago
the fact that you ask this question suggests that you dont know what each of those technologies does. I suggest you find out more but here is a quick summary:
custom tags are used within JSPs only and just enable you to get rid of jsp scripts in your code.
EJBs are Heavyweight business components. they can be used to model business logic - i.e. the actual work behind serious applications - and other java code uses them to make that logic available to users.
beans are just java classes that conform to certain constraints that allow them to be manipulated using reflection. I suggest that to save me typing out an explanation yuo do a search on google "definition javabeans" as there is a fair amuont to learn there.
21 years ago
weblogic does have a number of taglib related bugs. If you find one, try searching the support forum for weblogic, if yuo cant find a reference to it report it to them and just move on as otherwise you will go mad.
21 years ago
you might give more information for some help - this question doesnt make sense. Do you want your server to be available on the internet?
Tomcat is the web server and it will no doubt be connected to your "IP" - if you know you ip address then try connecting to it now with :8080 appended.
as well as you ip addres, your localhost address is mapped to a "loopback" address that just uses you local network to connect the computer to itself. If yuo want to change the port that tomcat uses you need to look in the server.xml file within your /config folder inside the tomcat installation. Somewhere in there you can change 8080 to 80 which will mean you can just use localhost. If you now know you ip address try that without a number.
21 years ago
i am not really surprised that noone has answered this yet - it sounds like you dont relaly know java, HTML, or web servers. Let me recommend first of all that you dont use a GUI to learn java. Secondly, JDBC is not a class its an API - a set of classes and interfaces that you can use to connect to databases. I think the easiest thing for you might be to pick a good book on java and the internet and start learning because otherwise you will be forever asking questions on this forum.
21 years ago
if you want an answer to this you will have to be more specific - can we see source code? can we see the contents of your shtml file? can we see the full erorr? I am guessing that you are trying to learn servlets on jbuilder which i think is a mistake - GUIs almost always confuse rather than illuminate when you are tyring to learn a new ajva technology
21 years ago
i think this might have to do with spec compliance. I am pretty sure that you are not supposed to use id as an attribute because of something in the HTML spec that reserves the id attribute for another use. The struts list is always having discussions on why they dont use "id" on tags. It may even have to do with the jsp spec itself which reserves id as an attribute name. It may be that in this regard one or the other (tomcat or OC4J) is not meeting spec and the other is thus causing yuor problem.
21 years ago
im not convinced that this question makes sense - why are you storing the session id and username in applicatino scope inside an application scope hashtable?
to answer one of your questions, any jsp can get a hold of a reference to the hashtable by getting the hashtable from applicatin scope. You can then pass that reference to any bean by passing it as a method parameter to the bean
Hashtable talbe = get hastable from application scope
the rest i didnt understand and wont without further explanatino of what you are trying to do.
21 years ago