Thanks again all of you. Regarding the commerical mock exams,
1. Enthuware, you have 5 enthuware mock tests in the net for free.
Each exam have 30 questions out 400(from data base)
2.The same thing applies for j2eeCertificate.com also. There you have many many tests.
3. Regarding Whizlabs, you have discount I think 80% off or some thing like that. (So you can around 500 Rs/).Even if you are not planning to buy, Read MikalaiZaikin Study Notes, if you are through with that notes,its enough.
4. No need to say you have to read and do all questions from HeadFirstServlets.
What I did is, I did atleast 2 mock exams per day after I completed HFSJ and manning and MikalaiZaikin Notes. What questions I went wrong, I noted them in my book. The day before I Go for exam I revised all the questions and MikalaiZaikin Notes , and imp points from HFSJ.
You have to read all the concepts throughly and am sure you can get very
Sree Raj,
I have only 1 year experience in Java. I dont know any thing SCEA..Whats tht all about.
Please do tell my what concepts we have in that.