First of all thanks to (in no particular order):
Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates for their excellent book.
Paul Sanghera for his excellent book.
LearnKey for their practice exam that comes with the first book above. for their J2SE core exams.
Hi folks, I am a Java/Oracle developer from India currently working in UAE.
I have five years of Java development experience. I also hold SCJP 1.2 certification (cleared in february 2002 with 84%).
Cleared 1.5 exam on 6th of December 2006 with 69 correct answers out of 72.
Here is the breakdown of scores topic wise :
Declarations, Initialization and Scoping - 100%
Flow Control - 100%
API Contents - 100%
Concurrency - 87% (questions in this area are really tough)
OO Concepts - 80% (did some silly mistakes here)
Collections/Generics - 100%
Fundamentals - 100%.
The preparation I did :
Read Kathy's book twice, read the two minute drill four times.
Read Paul's book once.
Took the LearnKey practice exam that comes with Kathy's book , this exam is good, worth taking it.
Cleared all the J2SE exams on
Posted some questions on which really helped me enforce the meterial which I learned.
Read nothing a day before the exam nor thought about any of the topics, had a nice sleep the night before the exam.
Following might be helpful to those preparing for the exam :
There are mostly code oriented questions rather than theory oriented.
A lot of questions(around 10 of them) fall in the fill in the code blocks category, which requires you to have a good understanding of not only java but also programming logic. The questions are really tricky you have to read it carefully twice/thrice before making any choices. There is ample time 2 hours and 55 minutes so dont worry about the time just concentrate on the questions.
Some questions assume that you know the values of certain constant variables , for example a question assumed that I know the values of Math.PI and Math.E.
The questions on threads are the most difficult one, concentrate more on this topic experiment a lot with code, try out new ideas.
Some questions are tricky, for example a question assumed that I know a Rectangle is a Square/Rectangle has a side.
With 100% preparation effort one can score 90%, it is the last 10% score that requires an extra 100% effort from you, may be I have put only 150% effort so I got 95%

. I believe that a score of 100% is achievable and I wish best of luck for others to get the same.
Mohammed Ahmed Khan