Shiva Shankar

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since Dec 07, 2006
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Recent posts by Shiva Shankar


We have a Web appliaction and we have business layer and everything for that.

Now we want to access the same application from mobile using Android.
How can I call business layer which we developed for web application, using android.
I dont want to develope new business layer for android, i want to use same business layer which we developed for web application.

Is it possible to use same business layer or do we need to develope new business layer for android application.

If some onne can help me on this, I ll be thankful.

12 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

What is hex. decimal color code for gradient gray to display in HTML ?

Can anyone help me on this?

Hi All,

What could be the max. size of session attribute?
Is it feasible to keep attribute(xml data) of size between 30-50KB in HttpSession in prodution environment.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago

Can any one help me on, how can I use Cocoon(Open source) to generate excel report from Spring framework and Oracle database.
Please provide me some sample code on this.

My application is getting very large response around 3-4 MB sometimes.
Is it feasible to use SAX or DOM parser?

We are calling SOAP Webservice which will execute DB query and returns the result as XML data.

Now XML data is stored in java.lang.String.

Can any one help me to provide sample code to generate excel file from the String which contains XML data.

Tim Holloway,
Thanks for your reply.

But client is not intrested to increase the timeout value in any instance of Tomcat server.

is there any other possible solution?
14 years ago
Hi All,

We are using Tomcat 5.5.2 server for web services execution, its time-out is set to 120(seconds).
We can't change that timeout value as it is used by other projects aswell.

My application is getting large amount(3 to 4 MB) of data as response to webservice call, to generate jasper report(excel file).
When response data is not large its working fine, but for large response its giving the problem below.

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request
Reason: Error reading from remote server.
HTTP Status 500 -

We also observed the following entries from server log.

[Thu Dec 23 11:37:38 2010] [error] [client] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: proxy: error reading status line from remote server, referer: < applurl >...
[Thu Dec 23 11:37:38 2010] [error] [client] proxy: Error reading from remote server returned by /ibas/ajax-servlet/, referer: < applurl >...

Please help me to resolve this problem.

14 years ago
Hi All,

As we know spring web service logs every soap request and response in log file of server.

We are using Tomcat 5.5.2 server for web services execution, its time-out is set to 120(seconds).
We can't change that timeout value as it is used by other projects aswell.

My application is getting large amount(3 to 4 MB) of data as response, before the response is logged into server log file, my server is getting timeout.

So am getting the below error.

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request
Reason: Error reading from remote server.
HTTP Status 500 -

Please help me to resolve this problem.

14 years ago
Hi Friends,

I am preparing for scwcd exam.
The most worriing topics for me is the EL and custom tags.
There are lot of rules to remember in both the topics.
I am always getting low marks when I am trying to answer the question on those topics.

Is there any material that makes my leanring of those two topics easy?

Can some one help in mastering those two topics.

Please share the links or material which makes learning those two topics damn easy...

Shiva Shankar

Hi All,

We know that Business deligate can make use of service locator.
Can one Business deligate can make use of multile service locators? or it should use only one sevice locator?

What is the mapping between Business Deligate and service locator?

waiting for your reply...
Deepak, your subject line is wrong.

How or Why synchronized methods are faster than non-synchronized.
must be
How or Why non-synchronized methods are faster than synchronized.
In line 1,String constant came first so any thing after + is converted to String constant.

In line 3, x and y are not Strings so they added in the normal way then it found String after second + so it converts (x+y) value to String and gives the result 86foo.

The rule is like this.

"Until String operand is found expression is evaluated normally, once it found the String operand,then it Converts the remaining operands (after String) to String."

class Scott {
public static void abc() {

public class Group extends Scott {
public static void main(String[] args){;


the output is :aaa
so,the static method can be inherited.

I was wondering why the above code giving output aaa?
As per my knowledge static means specific to class , not to any object.
how static method abc() is inherited into Group class?

I read the inheritance definition as follows.

"The ability of one class of objects to inherit properties from a higher class."

is the above definition wrong?
when sub class implementing the abstract class,before subclass constructor is invoked, it calls the constructor in abstract super class.
17 years ago