Bob Dobalina

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since May 24, 2001
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Recent posts by Bob Dobalina

Thanks Gregg, I hadn't thought of it on a more general OO-design type of scope. I'll continue down the path of inundating my diagrams with classes until I start to see enough overlap to narrow it down at all.

That said, if anyone else has any more experience to share, I'd love to hear it.
18 years ago
Hey all, I'm working on implementing a command/undo/redo system for a GUI. I'm going through the design now. Currently I'm splitting things into commands, and the way things are going I'm going to wind up with dozens and dozens of separate Command objects.

In general the GUI enables creation of different types of business-related objects, edits of those objects, and deletion of those objects. Multiply that times 15 different business object types and that's a lot of Command objects. I was looking for a little advice on whether it's better to make very specific Command implementations for each type of operation, or make more general but larger Command objects.

For example, should I have 15 separate "Delete" commands, each of which know how to do the deletion for a specific type of business objects, or should I have one big "Delete" command that has more complex internals to handle deletion of different actions depending on the business object being deleted?


18 years ago
Thanks, yeah, we're using snapshot views, but simple procedures like checking out files, performing merges, updating views, etc. still take absolute ages.
Thanks Tim. We have some concerns, but we're not taking about concerns with the off-shore labor, just concerns with the current means of getting code to them and their code back to us. Of course, all these projects are doomed, but for various other reasons.

Anyhow, anyone have experience with setting up or using these kinds of systems in a business environment?
Hey all,

My company switched to ClearCase a few years ago, and while we've always hated it, we've learned to live with it. Well, with more of our development moving off-shore, our developers in India are having serious problems with performance, it taking ages to update views, check in code, etc. etc. On top of that, trying to explain ClearCase's... erm... personality to a non-native speaker is a bit challenging. So, we're looking at options.

The first is of course just going to multi-site ClearCase, which by the sounds will help performance, but also by the sounds requires some manual work by on-shore developers to merge in changes regularly that have been received from off-shore developers. Also, it doesn't help in the complexity issue.

That's not exactly ideal, but beyond that, since we universally hate ClearCase, this seems like a good time to look at other options. Can anyone give me some guidance about what other alternatives there are for some sort of version control system that is suitable for multi-site development and isn't as obnoxiously slow/complicated/painful as ClearCase? I've read a bit about Wandisco CVS, but don't know much about it.


Thanks Jeanne... there's a good chance this thread predates the testing forum
20 years ago
Nope, amazingly we were never "encouraged" to switch over to SilkTest like we have been on so many other things, like ClearCase from CVS/VSS, etc. So, still happily using JUnit
20 years ago
Nope, amazingly we were never "encouraged" to switch over to SilkTest like we have been on so many other things, like ClearCase from CVS/VSS, etc. So, still happily using JUnit
Ok, I tried new JDBC drivers from oracle,, and the problem went away. This is surprising, as it's still an 8.1.7 DB and we were using 8.1.7 drivers previously.

Anyway, if you see this problem, give this a shot.
I, too, would love to know.
Oh I won't, it doesn't have nearly enough functionality. But, it seems the open-source JDO implementations all are built off of the RI, including JPOX. Are they safe?
Thanks Erik, I'll look into it, even though that sounded deceptively like a sales pitch
I'm just learning the reference implementation of Sun's JDO doesn't support querying, which was one of the main things I was looking for, after the ability to persist to a file. So, that may lead me to using a lightweight file-based DBMS, or just writing my own data structure to handle it.
Thanks Lasse, I'll spend a little time trying to get the reference implementation working and see if I can't do a little testing there. HSQLDB was exactly what I was looking at as an option to use through Hibernate, which I may evaluate as well should the JDO implementation not fly.
But, if anyone else has any suggestions as far as performance or memory usage goes, please comment.
Well, the easiest way would be to store a reference to the JEditorPane within MyInternalFrame when you create it, so that you can add a method to MyInternalFrame to get the text, and call that method from ParentFrame.
Or, it's also possible to get all the components within a container, and then iterate over them, looking for the component you're looking for (the text field in this case).
20 years ago
Hey Xu, the boxes mean your system cannot display the Chinese font. Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with i18n in Windows 98, so I don't know what support it has for Chinese, but I'm thinking you may need to download/install something from Microsoft to enable the Chinese font.
20 years ago