Pushkar Chowdhary

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since Dec 10, 2006
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Recent posts by Pushkar Chowdhary

Thanks Bert and Cameron for your replies.

And thanks again to Cameron for those links.

I still have one more question though. The struts version that I'm using currently is 1.3.5 and I'm yet to find a book that would cover that. Does anyone have any idea whether I can get any book covering Struts 1.3.5 here in Bangalore, India?

The last time I had checked in a bookstore, this is what I found:
1. "Struts in Action" (covering Struts 1.1)
2. "Professional Struts - Wrox Publications" (covering Struts 1.1)
3. "Struts - The Complete Reference" (covering Struts 1.2)
4. "Programming Jakarta Struts - O'Reilly Publications" (covering Struts 1.2)
5. "Struts Cookbook - O'Reilly Publications" (covering Struts 1.2)

No book covering any of the struts versions after 1.2

Can you guys please help me here?

Even books available online for purchase would do.

18 years ago
The Mask
Me, Myself and Irene
The Cable Guy
18 years ago
Ice Age and Finding Nemo
18 years ago
Congratulations Bob...

great score...!!!
18 years ago
ok i didn't know that.

thanks a lot.

18 years ago
Hello all,

just posting here to say that i totally agree with the naming policy and i too believe that it adds a sense of responsibility to anyone posting here.

i just have one problem though. i had registered on this site earlier with the actual spelling of my last name which is "Choudhary", but i forgot the password and also forgot which email id it was linked to. now the problem is when i go to "Forgot Password" link, the only thing that page would do is mail your password to your email id. but it doesn't say anything about what is to be done in a situation in which someone forgot which email account it was linked to. is there any other way i can get back the password for that account, because I've had to register again and with a different name as it would not take the same name again.

i know it's rather stupid of me to forget which mail id this account was linked to, but i would really appreciate any of the sheriffs or bartenders or anyone else who can help me here.

18 years ago
well, it does say that all times are in your computer's local time.....

but still, the time that I'm getting here is 30 minutes behind the actual time (the time on my computer)...!!!

any reason why that might be happening?
18 years ago
yeah, its much better now...
18 years ago
hey guys,

i was wondering if there's a "Head First" book available for Struts...

and if not, do the "Head First" guys plan to bring it any time soon?

it would be great help as I've already read "Head First Java" and "Head First Servlets and JSP" and both were great...

so it would be really nice of them to consider about a "Head First" book for Struts...

18 years ago

Originally posted by Chetan Parekh:

Not only Sreesanth, but when playing abroad on bouncing track and bowler is delivering at 140+ , all players does good break dance on the pitch. Hope you remember break dance they had in West Indies.

hehehe..... i agree.....
18 years ago
Thanks for the reply Merrill.

Its working fine now.
18 years ago
hello all,

I'm using struts 1.3.5 with its validation.xml in my application which contains a single-select box. i'm not able to validate the select box using the default validator.

Can anyone please tell me how i can achieve that?

My aim is to show a warning when a user doesn't select anything from the select box.

I have one more query. earlier, i was using the email, minlength and maxlength validators only once in my form. at that time, the validation process was working properly. but then i added a few more fields. and hence i applied these validators to them as well. but, after that, the validation process is not happening at all. it only checks for the "required" fields and if they are filled, it completes the transaction successfully, without checking other validators.

Can you guys please help?

18 years ago