Edvins Reisons

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 11, 2006
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Recent posts by Edvins Reisons

Any chance to see similarly minded people in your area? Incubators, meetups, startup weekends (in alphabetical order)? A search on "startup <your location>"?
The answer may well be outside the building.
12 years ago
Please take into account that not all salaries can be kept secret. Notably in the public sector, the salary tables are publicly available, or just barely hidden.
To sum it up, this information about a significant proportion of salaries is NOT confidential, and shouldn't be.
15 years ago
What? You don't have a hobby?

Look here for inspiration.
15 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

Rahuul Dravid wrote:Hey Is this position still open ....

Highly unlikely.

Who knows, maybe it's open again
15 years ago
Not sure what you want to define here: columnDefinition is, by design, non-portable database specific DDL. The @Column annotation has a few attributes, for example, length, that you can use for portable customization.
Coffee is evil, to me at least. I stopped my coffee habit two years ago and feel better now.
15 years ago
I agree that one does not need to explain reasons in a rejection email/letter (simply because it's less work to do ). However, one can gain from communicating one's constraints and preferences, and this can be done long before receiving offers. For example, when recruiters call me and start talking about a job in a neighboring town 60 km away, I tell them immediately that I am not going to commute there.
15 years ago
I think there is no harm in saying that you don't want long commute/ frequent travel/ whatever other difficult to change element of the job description. On the contrary, it may prevent them from bugging you with similar unsuitable propositions in the future.
15 years ago
A few minutes of googling found quite a number of people with the same condition, and a solution, rather not surprisingly, from a fellow rancher's blog, that appears to match your situation (look at the WHERE project = " + "#{project.siProjectID} above).
I believe that the entities used in mappings have to be in the same persistence unit (the JPA term for your "project") and therefore, integration should include merging those two units.
From my experience, recruiters do not necessarily look for people who are currently working. I had a phone talk with one such type recently; he asked a question like "Are you still in that job that you have listed as current on your CV?" and sounded quite unhappy when I said yes.
15 years ago

Santhosh Jali wrote:These days I hardly get to see 5 mails per week.

Too bad that it's fewer than before, and yet five jobs per week should be more than enough for one person.
15 years ago
Unfortunately, there are more annoying and time-wasting documentation processes than a template. My "favorite" is the recruitment websites that a number of big companies use. If you really want to put all the information into those online forms, write off half a day or more.
16 years ago
The documentation says that you can get them all (annotated entity classes and XML mapped classes) included into the persistence unit automatically.