Wiyanto Ngasinur

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since Dec 11, 2006
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Recent posts by Wiyanto Ngasinur

Hi currently i also have same issue, i need to render only part of one of portlet, not fully page - aggregated portlet .
I'm using IBM Websphere 6.0.x, and found PortletServingServlet looks like will fullfil my needs, but i have google there is nothing real example how to use this feature.
If maybe someone can give any idea/example about this feature? it will means alot for me.


Cameron Wallace McKenzie wrote:Well, really, you can't do that. There's no way to generate a URL for just one portlet, without invoking the whole portal infrastructure.

What are you trying to do and why? I'm wondering if there's another way to deal with the problem you're looking at.

-Cameron McKenzie

15 years ago
Hi All,
I'm planning to create servlet that reusable which it can be used across all portlet on different war, but i don't know where i can put this servlet ? because as far as i know servlet itself only can be called if its in same context with portlet.

Please enlight me ...
15 years ago
sorry i thought struts action itself was actually is servlet, but thanks anyway.
15 years ago
Hi Bear Bibeault,
does my previous explanation is not enough to explain situation here?
ok let me paste some of code :

during successful login i set session var

and this session var is being used on all page over application, and i able to get this session var on struts action i made, problem comes when i upload file using struts action that i made, i couldnt get this var. the code i use to get this session var is :

please let me know if i am missing something here ?

15 years ago
hi let say, session var is already set on during login request... and i'm able to get this session var, all over servlet in normal request on my application, now my situation here, i need to upload file, upload file request is being sent to servlet. And there is no problem in this area. The problem comes when i upload file, i need those session var... am i making sense here ?

My question is simple, is it possible to get session var from multipart request from HttpServletRequest instance ?
15 years ago
my problem is not uploading file, uploading file already fine... what i need is to get session variable during uploading file.
15 years ago
hi, i am having trouble when i upload file and sending multipart request into servlet, i can not get session variable at same time. session var is definitely already setup, because i can get this session var when i am doing normal request.
this is more less code how do i get session var :

do you have any idea ? thank you.

do you have any idea?
15 years ago
thanks, you save me a lot time.
15 years ago
I'm using comparator interface to sort list of object.
Problem comes when there are more than one column to sort. For example :
I've unsorted tables :
Id|Department|Sub Department
1 Test Sub Test
2 Abap Sub Abap2
3 Abap Sub Abap1

How do i have two sort, Department then sub department. It become :
Id|Department|Sub Department
3 Abap Sub Abap1
2 Abap Sub Abap2
1 Test Sub Test

I'm implementing Comparator interface :

but it doesn't worked. Any idea ?
15 years ago
no since String is one of keyword on java
17 years ago
After preparing for 4 month learning SCJP... i've passed SCJP yesterday with score 87%. i got to say many thanks to Kathy Sierra's book, and javablackbelt for wonderfull mock exam.

the annoying questions is drag and drop exam, because it's reset the questions if i need to review it.

does anyone have any suggestion, what next certification should i pursuit? if the choice between scwcd / scjd / scea or maybe ocp(oracle) ?

17 years ago

Probably you would have given two slashes(\\ or /).

nope i tried with \, work correctly in my eclipse 3.2
Congratulation, wish you luck for SCJP
17 years ago

this ones print false, since integer constant pool range -128 - 127

But suppose if
Integer i1 =128;
int i2=128;
This would result in i1==i2 being true. This confuses me a bit

this ones print true, because there is autoboxing. i1 is unboxing to int, then comparing primitive result true
That's enough verbose , Henry. At last, i understand. Thank you...