Zaafir Barahim

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since Dec 12, 2006
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Recent posts by Zaafir Barahim

Please i want to know how to put a label in which text are written and this label must be embeded on an image. I have successfully embed an image on a big image using "g.drawImage(image, X_coordinate, Y_coordinate, this)". Please HELP ME OUT, i need it URGENTLY. Thanks in advance for any kind of HELP.
17 years ago
can i please get an example, codes to enable setTimeout in a timer. Thanks in advance. Its vvvv urgent. Please help me
can i get a link or the code to change a user input time format to milliseconds. for example a user has put 08:00 or 20:00 (24 hour clock), i need to convert the time to Milliseconds. Thanks in advance for any help.

Moreover can i also get some hints about executing a code for a specific amount of time and after that time the application stops.for example the application runs for 1 hour and stops after 1 hour.thanks again.
18 years ago
hi, i have a server that periodically wait for clients to send files and there are many clients that just send text file to the server. Now i want to write a code that enable the server to know if a client still exits as each clients send a file at a specific interval of time and if one client has not send any file for example in 2minutes then the server must know that the client is down and do the action that i want when a client is down.PLEASE i NEED HELP to write the code to do this. HELP ME!!!.Thanks in advance.
Hi i have written a software and when i click on a button "Start", the software is executed automatically and continue to execute till i dnt exit the software. Now i want to write a code that will lauch the appliaction at a specific time e.g @ 08:00 am and stop it @ 08:00 pm. PLEASE HELP ME OUT. thanks in advance
[ February 11, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hi i have been able to display an image as background. Now i want to display an Image icon on a Jlabel and POSITION the IMAGE ICOn or the JLABEL. Please HELP ME out. Million thanks for any help, examples or codes. Thanks again
18 years ago
thanks infinitely for your reply, iv been able to do what you told me before and it worked. but there was some problem with the display. this was because i have put the image on the frame itself and i have read the image directly from a file. could i have some example of how to put the big image in the backgroung and the others on panels. please help me out, im a beginner in this. thanks in advance
18 years ago
hi i want to display images, 1 big image and other smaller images on top of the big one and also positionig the smaller images. please HELP Me out. Thanks in advance
18 years ago
i want to display a big image and on that image i want to display smaller image or image icon on that and i want to position all the small image which i will put on the big image. please help me out. THANKS in advance
18 years ago
I have ben able to get the name of the tables i have in my database. this is the code but i cant store the name of the table in a String variable so as i can use the variable later. PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

This is the code for getting all the tables

Connection con;
String myDB ="jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)};DBQ=C:/UNIVERSITY_MOBILE_GUIDE_NAVIGATION_SYSTEM/Mobile_Guide.MDB;

Statement statement = con.createStatement();

DatabaseMetaData dbm = con.getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = dbm.getTables(null,null,null,null);

while (
it didnt work. Actually can i get some more information about what to replace in the select query. i have a database name "DATABASE", and i have 2 tables named "TABLE1" and "TABLE2". i am using MICROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE and JAVA to get all the tables in the database and the data inside each table. please help me out!!!
could i get also the data or the row count for each table found in the database
could i get also the data or the row count for each table found in the database
i want to get all the tables in the database or just count the number of tables exists in my database. How do i do it. Iv got a code and when i execute it, i get an error saying that the feature is not present in my ACCESS DATABSE. Please help me out for new codes or for the prob. Thanks
Thanks to you all. It works. Now i want to get all the tables in the database or just count the number of tables exists in my database. How do i do it. Iv got a code and when i execute it, i get an error saying that the feature is not present in my ACCESS DATABSE. Please help me out for new codes or for the prob. Thanks