vijay kumarg

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Recent posts by vijay kumarg

Hello All,

I am new to the j2me technology.
We have given a yellowpages like app using j2me to develop.
I have many doubts including learning j2me but please clarify certain issues with the environment.
I am using netbeans, jdk 1.5 and j2me wireless toolkit.
1)Can I get any mobile screens on yellopwages search.
2)I have some jads and jars avilable on net, so how can I test them and see the source for midlets and ither classes.
Please give me any useful links on the above if anybody have.

Vijay G
17 years ago
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply.
we have a huge framework developed using tiles.In that we have 3 modules and a default module.On the top of app a tiles-layout.xml and tiles_def.xml are defined.
Also there are individual tiles_def.xml and obviously module struts-config.xml are defined.
I am having a lot of confusion when comes to actual rendering.It forcing me to follow trial and error way for rendering.
Let me put in detail
1) If a definition extends another one and also a path is defined like
<definition name="a.b" extends="c.d" path="/jsp/xyz.jsp>
and if that extended definition i.e. c.d also has a path attribute defined then which path we need to consider for rendering?
2)suppose if value attribute in <put> is also a defintion then where to look ? either in tiles_layout.xml or tiles-def.xml?

Please give me any useful links for in depth struts tiles if you have any.

Vijay G
[ April 25, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
17 years ago
Hello All,
I am working on struts tiles.
I have some doubts and putting here.

1) If a definition extends another defintion and there is also a path then how the rendering will takesplace, like

<definition name="a.b.c" extends="d.e.f" path="ue/xyz.jsp" >
<put name="css" value="g.h.i"/>

In this case how to proceed to know where will be the final rendering takesplace?
when i searched for the extended definition that defintion also have some path.
so which path for the jsp we need to consider for the rendering?

Vijay G
17 years ago
Hello All,
My working environment is MyEclipse workbench5.0GA, jdk 6.0, tomcat 5.5.
I am unable to deploy a web app to the tomcat server.
I expect problem might be in setting tomcat preferences.
I am confusing with the jdk,jre names.
Even I specified the jdk location the problem still exists and saying jre name already exists.
Please suggest me a full workbench settings description for an app server .

Vijay G
Hi All,

My development environment is jdk 6.0, tomcat 5.5, myeclipse 5.0GA.
The code developed in myeclipse but the tomcat manager window unable to list that application.
If I put the request as http://localhost:8080 it's giving 404 error.
I have checked window->preferences->tomcat 5.0 and specified the tomcat home directories.
Still the problem exists.
Please suggest me a solution to fix the problem

I corrected it by referring xsl-examples.war shipped with the taglibs download.
So we need to replace

<xsl:InsertWithXSL url="/xml/data.xml" xsl="/xml/style.xsl"/>

by the new syntax

<xsl:apply xml="/xml/data.xml" xsl="/xml/style.xsl"/>
Hello All,

I am working on a java xml sample app.I have included taglibs-xsl.jar in lib and taglibs-xsl.tld under context but the following errors occurs when i request a jsp which uses xslt tag

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: File "/WEB-INF/taglibs-xsl.tld" not found

Is there any version incompatibility.Because I have this sample from the site

It says we need to include xsl.jar in lib and xsl.tld under context different to what i downloaded from apache taglibs i.e. taglibs-xsl.jar and taglibs-xsl.tld

Hello All,
When I request http://localhost:8080,
the page not found of error type http 400 is displaying.This page I used to get earlier with no such problems.The environment is eclipse 3.1 with sysdeo plugin for tomcat.
How to troubleshoot this?

17 years ago
Hi All,

In a java class XMLAdd I have 3 variables document, outDoc, outDocNode of type org.jdom.Document and one variable of type

In a jsp showall.jsp I declared this class as a java bean using jsp:useBean tag.
But there exists a error at useBean declaration as the work directory showing error.
and in jsp:setProperty i am setting all the properties of the bean.
So is it mandatory that I need to provide setters and getters for all the 4 variables ?

Below are the snippets for the class, jsp.

setters and getters are defined for xmlFile and outDoc only.


when I see the work directory the generated servlet code is stopped at the useBean declaration of XMLAdd class.

the generated servlet code :

so is that the error is due to that there are no getters and setters for document and outDocNode variables ?


[ February 26, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
[ February 26, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
17 years ago
Hello Jeanne,
The Running option shows " true " for the deleted applications also.
I dont understand this, why the deleted applications are also get listed in web application manager window.Due to them while starting the tomcat the console showing errors related to those applications.
So I explicitly making them Undeployed by clicking the Undeploy option in the command option.
So, How to make them deleted permanatly as not to be shown in web application manager window.


[ February 23, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
[ February 25, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
My Develop environment is tomcat 5.5, jdk 1.5 and eclipse 3.1 using sysdeo plugin for tomcat.
When I start the server the default tomcat web application manager window is showing all the applications which are hosted on the server.
But this list is still showing the aplications which I have removed from the package explorer in the eclipse IDE.
How to make this deleted applications not to be listed in the tomcat web application mager window.
In a j2ee tutorial I have seen the paths to the action attribute of a form have been specified by retrieving from pageContext implicit variable like below

<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/orderForm" method=post>

Is it a best practice to do so?
17 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
I am sorry for not making my question clearer.
From all your replies I finally came to a conclusion like below.
What I know about runtime polymorphism in java is " sub types of a super can be equated to that super type and through that refernce method of a specific sub type can be executed at runtime except private and static methods"
Am I following the correct trial?

[ February 21, 2007: Message edited by: vijay kumarg ]
17 years ago
Hi Arindam,
I think your defintion does not differntiate checked and unchecked exceptions.(Subject to correction)

Checked exceptions are the type of exceptions you must declare in throws clause or put a try catch block to handle it, otherwise there is a violation and compiler would not compile the program.egs are IOException
But this does not applies to unchecked exceptions where it is not compulsary to declare or handle them eg is NullPointerException.

17 years ago
This is the question I faced from one of my friend who has got 4 certfications in J2se and J2EE.
My explanation below does not satisfied him he says. Please let me know where I go wrong, need to have a more concise approach or I miss anything ?

" The argument of a method if we supply a super type then it can able to take any sub types of that super type and able to execute the relevant version of that method "
so we are able to execute a method version of a particular type at runtime depending on the requirement ".

17 years ago