Manju Devarla

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since Dec 14, 2006
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Recent posts by Manju Devarla

Thanks guys..

I am planning to go for 1Z0-001 Introduction to Oracle SQL/PL SQl..
So Can any one provide me the links like Java Ranch for this oracle exam..

AS well as the Best book to prepare for the exam..

I know its not related to this forum but I may get some suggestions from fellow Ranchere who are alredy done this exam.

I have got 2 years of exp in jsp/servlets..But not Hand on experience in EL ans Custom Tags..These are new to me..

I took nearly 4 months to prepare for this exam..

Marc peabody notes helped me to score 100% on Design Patterns as well Frederics Notes, Mikail Zaikin SCWCD1.4 Study guide are also good for quick reference before the exam
Hi All,

I cleared the exam with 97%..I am very thnakful to Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra for the wonderful book and as well fellow Ranchers.

I got 7 to 8 Drag and drop questions..
I think i have gone wrong in 2 of these Questions..
and 6 to 7 on Patterns

And following are the mock exams
Using Form auth type, Username and password are sent back in the Request with no encryption
As for my knowledge these are the three attributes for jsp:setProperty
Which two are true about authentication? (Choose two.)
A. Form-based logins should NOT be used with HTTPS.
B. When using Basic Authentication the target server is NOT authenticated.
C. J2EE compliant web containers are NOT required to support the HTTPS protocol.
D. Web containers are required to support unauthenticated access to unprotected web resources.
E. Form-based logins should NOT be used when sessions are maintained by cookies or SSL session information.

B and C are correct right..

What about option D..?
Can any one explain me about this..

Which of the statements is true about the following deployment descriptor snippet?



How come the answer for the above question is " Filter2 will be invoked before Filter1 if ServletToFilter is requested"

Becuase filters are invoked the order in which they apper in DD right..
so it should be Filter..
<description>Replaces emoticons such as , , and with images.

Which of the following statements regarding the above tag are correct?Select 2 correct options.

A.It is an empty tag.
B.It may be used as an empty tag.
C.It must have a body
D.It must implement BodyTag interface.
E.It may take an attribute named 'name'. But if present, its value must be dynamic.

Ans given are B and D
How can we say that, It must implement Body Tag Interface
by seeing the above code..?
Which of the following design patterns is used to separate the task of writing the GUI screens and business logic?

Select 1 correct option.

A.View Logic
B.Front Controller
C.Model View Controller
D.Business View
E.Business Delegate

its both Front Controller and MVC right..
There is no CD coming with HF JSP&Servlet Book..
Mock exam is at the end of the Book..
Thanks Satou ..Finally got it.. :-)
I think answers a & b are correct based on the page 428 of jsp-2_0-fr-spec

Can anyone confirm with this..
Hi Deepender,

I am facing the same problem ..
Could you tell me how did you resolve this ..

Unable to initialize TldLocationsCache: XML parsing error on file /WEB-INF/myFun.tld: (line 1, col 20)

Aswell as foloowing error

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to load class for JSP

Even myFul.tld is correct with function signature

<?xml vesrion="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<taglib xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">



<function-signature> String rolldice()</function-signature>


and this is my jsp file..

<%@ taglib prefix="mine" uri="DiceFunctions" %>




Class code :

package foo;
public class DiceRoller {

public static String rolldice() {

return "suguna" ;