Guy Hill

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since Dec 15, 2006
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I've seen many programmers try to make the transition to Project Manager. Some of them are successful, and some are not.

In your opinion, what are some of the things that a Programmer should focus on when making the transition to Project Manager?
Alright, I got too excited too quickly.

Now the readystate goes to 1, but it does not appear to be progress past that point. If I put an alert in the stateChange function the Ajax works properly, seemingly because the amount of time it takes me to click OK is enough time for the async call to the ajaxrelated.asp page to complete. But if I don't put an alert in that function the methods never fresh the content on my HTML page.


Thank you so much for the quick reply. I surely have a lot to learn about but making a few small adjustments based on your feedback got me over this hurdle!

Hi, I'm an Ajax newbie and I could really use some help on a little problem I'm having.

When I run the code below in either IE6 or FF 1.5 I get into the stateChanged function once when the state is 0, but then the state never seems to change and the page never updates. I've verified that I can call the ajaxrelated.asp page directly and it returns the proper HTML fragment.

I've wrapped the code in different try/catch blocks and they are never executed...

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.