Reshma Reddy

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 21, 2006
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Recent posts by Reshma Reddy

Thanks for the info. i will check feasible way.
12 years ago
It is not yet proposed, checking opssibilities and I dont have swing experience. Thanks for help.
12 years ago
server path is not mapped in local, problem to map server path in all local systems.
12 years ago
Yes Swastik, file is present.

Is it possible to open server side file from swing UI ?
12 years ago
Hi all,

I want to open text file which is located on unix system and i want to display text content on swing UI.
when i am tryign to open getting exception

Any suggestions please.

12 years ago
Hi All,

I have splitpane in my screen, in top section im displaying search results in borrom i want to display results based on search results row selection. Initially bottom section is invisible, once user selects any results row i want enable bottom. I am trying to do this but bottom sections is not enabling. can any one tell how can i fix this issue.

Note: Initially top section will be occupied total size.
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am able to upload single files using jsp. I want to upload folder (folder contains files) into server side. Is there any way to achieve this.
Please share any link/documents
13 years ago

I made a mistake in XLSX2CSV class, I was refering my local XSSFReader class which is wrong. I have modified code to refer org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.XSSFReader class, now it is workign fine. I am able to read xlsx files.
But it is taking around 10 mins time to read around 50 mb file, can you tell me in which part of code I can refactor to reduce processing time.

13 years ago

Error details,
13 years ago
Hi All,
I am trying to read excel (xlsx) fiels using apache POI, I got one example from internet but it is not working. I am bot able to find issue code. Can any one check this code and let me know what is the issue and where i have modify code.
I m agettign nullpointer error in process method.
13 years ago
Hi Kilal,
I'm getting error code in SQLException block, but i want to get error codes in execute statement only.
and what about if function will return some object??
Hi All,
I am trying to run oracle procedure/Function using Hibernate 3. I want to catch error raised by oracle procedure/Function and display error message to user.

By using this code I can able to run only procedures and If any error occured in procedure my control is going to SQLException block. I want to check the error message.
Please check this code and let me know is this correct way to call procedure??
Please share document related to calling procedure from hibernate.


Now I am getting user details into my java class. Thanks learned new thing.
13 years ago

In one DB call I am getting all user details (very limited users), for validation I am not hitting database just calling java method to check user.
13 years ago