Kris Bal

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since Dec 24, 2006
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Recent posts by Kris Bal

SCJP 6 (CX-310-066) is

Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Upgrade Exam (1Z0-852) .This has to be taken only if you have done
PRIOR CERTIFICATION - Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 5 Programmer OR Sun Certified Java Programmer (any edition)


SCJP 6 (CX-310-065) is

Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam (1Z0-851) .This is the normal exam.

Edit your post to correct SCJP 6 (CX-310-066) as upgrade exam.
Is the below correct?


SCJP 5 (CX-310-055) is now

Java Standard Edition 5 Programmer Certified Professional Exam (1Z0-853)
(Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 5 Programmer)
Duration: 150 minutes
Number of Questions: 60
Passing Score: 70%

SCJP 6 (CX-310-065) is now

Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam (1Z0-851)
(Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer)
Duration: 150 minutes
Number of Questions: 60
Passing Score: 61%


We need to convert a pdf file to MS word/RTF from java program.Is there any open source java API available for this conversion ?.
I Tried with Itext and jasperreports.But no much use.
Or please suggest any other solution that can be followed for this?
15 years ago
Don't keep the parameter name as method.

change the parameter name from method to something else you want.
<action ... parameter="method"...> in struts-config.xml

Also correspondingly change in the jsp/html where you pass the value for the parameter.

Because method='post' is there and it will only be taken.You should not use the name 'method' for the action mapping parameter.
17 years ago
Also provide your full web.xml,struts-config.xml
17 years ago
can you provide the full jsp code?
17 years ago
check whether you are passing the value 'create' for the parameter 'method' in the request?
17 years ago
The order of elements in web.xml,struts-config.xml,validation.xml has to be according to the rules defined in their DTDs.
We should not change the order of elements, otherwise it will cause error.
17 years ago
In my application which uses Struts,
I have some Data Transfer Objects(DTOs) which are all complex DTOs (ie it contains some objects also).

what I populate in the ActionForm is all strings input from the user.How to populate the DTOs from the ActionForms.
I think i cannot use BeanUtils.copyProperties(actionForm,dto) directly to copy the properties from my action form to DTO as the DTO contains some objects also.(These objects inside DTO has to be built from the data input by the user).

How to achieve this?

Also in the reverse,when displaying the details to user how to copy the properties from the DTO to action form?
17 years ago
You have to register serializer and deserializer for each object(VO) you send and receive before invoking the web service.This would solve your problem.
17 years ago
I need to print the soap response xml returned by apache soap to console . I don't want to retrive the values individually.How to print the soap response xml?
17 years ago
I want to use Apache SOAP in websphere 6.1 since we will be reusing the framework developed already using Apache SOAP.This has been implemented only with weblogic previously.
Now we are trying to use this in combination with websphere 6.1,Is this supported?how to proceed?
17 years ago
I want to use Apache SOAP in websphere 6.1 since we will be reusing the framework developed already using Apache SOAP.This has been implemented only with weblogic previously.
Now we are trying to use this in combination with websphere 6.1,Is this supported?
17 years ago
Can anyone brief the complete step by steps for creating a web service from a normal java class having a method which returns a string in websphere 6.1
what are the modifications to be done in the various xml files and how to package the application and deploy it.
And how to access the web service from a normal JSP.Please provide steps for this also.

I have only the server installed.I don't have any assembly toolkits.
I couldn't find any useful material at IBM website for creating and deploying using only the command line tools that comes with the server.
17 years ago
Can anyone brief the complete step by steps for creating a web service from a normal java class having a method which returns a string in websphere 6.1
what are the modifications to be done in the various xml files and how to package the application and deploy it.
And how to access the web service from a normal JSP.Please provide steps for this also.

I have only the server installed.I don't have any assembly toolkits.
I couldn't find any useful material at IBM website for creating and deploying using only the command line tools that comes with the server.
17 years ago