Remko Strating

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since Dec 28, 2006
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Recent posts by Remko Strating

I don't understand your reaction, but I've solved my problem with using the Facelets view instead of the JSP view.

The problem now is that I've to upgrade all the web pages of my applications. This will take a while, but gives me also a change to do some clean-up. So I decided to take the hard way which is on the long run the best.

I've written some code which will do it automatic for me. It's strange that I couldn't find it on the internet.
13 years ago
I'm testing a upgrade from jsf 1.1 to jsf 2.0. It seems that everything is working fine and my custom made objects and components could I adjust properly for making it work very well. The only problem now is that my Tomahawk components are not shown correctly.

The example project is running well and I tried to change my project according the the sample project, but the problem still exists.

The JSCookmenu is not shown and the t:panelTab is shown as a button.

If I downgrade my project it working good.

I use Tomahawk2.0-1.10 for my 2.0 project and Tomahawk 1.1.8 for my 1.1 project.
I use JSP view in both projects. I tried a xhtml view but this doesn't solve the problem.

Maybe you could give me a hint for a direction of solving the problem.

In the log I now see for the t:panelTab

WARNING: JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, panelTabbedPane.xhtml, from library, org.apache.myfaces.custom.
28-mei-2011 23:49:19 com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl logMissingResource
WARNING: JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, panelTab.xhtml, from library, org.apache.myfaces.custom.
28-mei-2011 23:49:19 com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl logMissingResource
WARNING: JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, panelTabbedPane.xhtml, from library, org.apache.myfaces.custom.
28-mei-2011 23:49:19 com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl logMissingResource
WARNING: JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, panelTab.xhtml, from library, org.apache.myfaces.custom.
13 years ago
Congrats ... and good luck with part 2

Congrats ....

A good time with part 2

What is in a name? I would just follow my own path?

Just do it at September 10th and then you have an oracle certificate. If you hate that you could do it earlier, but what with names of the certificates next.

The name changing is just like I had expected.
I believe also other classes it's your design.

Maybe strange but what do you mean by technology independent. By choosing a class diagram you have already made an implicit choose for a technology.
Thanks for your comments. I know now that JCA is still alive and it's wise to have some general understanding of it.
I just read it for a general understanding of the differences and did not do a deep study, because for me personally I use only EJB3. So my suggestion would be don't study it.

During my reading for SCEA I encountered the JCA-principle with the source code I get the impression it's rather complicated to build.

I'm used to use webservices for designing a EIS tier. Off course this couldn't be representative.

Did third party vendors actually develop JCA-connectors or did the standard dye a silent dead. (Dutch-Engels).
I mean it's developed as a good idea a few years ago, but it isn't used in practice. The industry didn't pick up the idea.

I'm reading both. I use GOF for a more general view over de concepts with I could use for different other languages and as a way of thinking and concepts for different problems and using Design Patterns for a more practical approach.

Thanks for you're updating and letting me know that their is a Whizlabs application for SCEA.

If I have time for part2 I will probably use it for making sure I will get part1.

Just do some profiling and see what objects are created.

During the profiling you will see that some objects are not deleted and then you know there is a memory leak.

Mostly the reason is that you keep a reference of the object in memory.

If you find the cause you can adjust your code so that the problem will not occur again.
14 years ago
Just how you believe you will handle the risk if the threat occurs.

You could decide to stop the project if it happens (retention of the risk)

You could decide to make a redesign (avoidance/prevention of the risk)

A different solution could be adjusting the code where the 20.000 lines are imported in parts to Excel and not al the records are read in memory at once.
14 years ago