gianni ipez

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since Jan 02, 2007
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Recent posts by gianni ipez

I found
a Java Network Launching Protocol and API (JNLP) file where there is the class name!
good start.
13 years ago
Hi Maneesh,
thank you, I hadn't thought about Robots, I'll study the subject.
I found a lot of manifest.cs in the application, but all of them have only these lines:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2
Created-By: 1.4.2_08-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
don't find the class to start with.
Maybe it can be in other files?

As for the license file I couldn't find a place in which they mention reverse engineering
13 years ago
I don't think I can get the source files, but I can ask my boss to ask for them.
Thank you
13 years ago
I understand what you mean.
The product is an old one, not maintained any more from the factory that produced it.
They have built a new version that my favtory didn't want to buy, too expensive.

I would like simply to take out a functionality of the gui and to execute it in a batch java program,
In my work every day I need to press 100 times the same button of this old gui...

I'd only like to simplify my life of programmer and understand better how java works.

13 years ago
I have a product composed by an exe file written in java, and a bunch of jar files of various type.
I don't have source files of this application, and neither a single page of documentation.

Maybe reverse engineering would is too difficult to do, but is there any way
to know which jar classes/methods are created/invoked when i push the buttons on the gui?
Is there any trick to do that?
thank you very much,
13 years ago
thank you for the answer and for the link.
the xml is validated through a dtd validator (operation done by the legacy system automatically).
The fact is that we distribute a wsdl to several companies, and we get several xml depending on the system that elaborate the Wsdl.
Some of them are not recognized as valid by the dtd validator.
Hope I have clarified a bit the issue...
14 years ago
in my factory we use a legacy system that works as middleware.
It can get htpp requests and through a workflow system interact with other systems, database, servers, etc.
Unfortunately it does not support web services technology.
The system accepts in input xml sent via http-post from caller systems, and convalidate them through a dtd.
We fake webservice on a handmade way: we homebuild a wsdl
and after some tries we refine the dtd construction seeing the xml that arrives from the caller.
The problem is when the number of caller is major than one, because the xml that arrive to the system are slightly different and can violate the dtd.
For instance the header can change, the namespace can be <SOAP-ENV:ENVELOPE> or <soapenv:envelope>
This is enough to break the dtd and cause the system to raise an error
I don't know if I have explained well the problem.
How can we solve this problem? Is it advisable to build a some kind of bridge between "the world" and our system? how?
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks in advance
14 years ago
Does anyone know of a Ftp library that allows to do get and post of files
using wildcard characters?
I am currently using FtpBean, but unfortunately does not support this feature.
Thanks in advance,
15 years ago
Thank you for the hint.
Here the peculiarity is that in the xml input BOOK is the text node, child of tag KIND,
in the output , BOOK must become an element tag itself.
Does xslt let you make this transformation? How ?
Thank you,
I need to convert an xml file in input, to an xml with a different dtd in output.
I've no idea about how to achieve this task, I don't want you to write the solution for me,
but I 'd be pleased if someone could head me in the right direction.

I think it's intuitive, we have in input a list of books with their chapters. Every chapter in the input file is joined to its book through the idBook.
The input structure is "flat", the output desired structure has a level more of complexity and is less redundant.

Input file:

And here you are what I would expect the program to obtain:

Thank you in advance,
I need to develop a piece of code that from server A
writes a text file on disk F of server B.
If I access disk F from server A I need to enter Username and password (which I know)
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance,
15 years ago
That's true, but both xml and databases contain data.
I'm dealing with a complex environment in which many systems are implied, migrations are frequent and integration has a great relevance.
This is very interesting.
I'm looking for the same information, if I won't find anything interesting I'll write something myself.
I'll let you know.
I need to write a java program that goes through a xml file,
and depending on the content does some task.
For example, if a certain node A has 4 specific children B,C,D,E it needs to look into a database for a table called A and if it exists insert in that table its children value.
As for xml processing, do you suggest me to use standard xml api or to learn some framework like dom4j?
which advantages can it give?
Thank you.