Sandy Kulkarni

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since Jan 02, 2007
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Recent posts by Sandy Kulkarni

I got my score sheet yesterday...

surprisingly my address on the envelope was incorrect...I wonder how it reaches to my house correctly...

On top of that, when I see the score report it self, the address seems to be typed perfect on it !!!
Sorry for the incomplete information, I was talkin about SCBCD 5.0 Beta examination..
I haven't received my score sheet yet..but would like to know from those who got theirs...

What's the passing percentage for Beta exam???
Well, I tried on I7 Again..., update my address...but nothing happens..
May be they are in process of updating the database..
My Status on Prometric site is "Failed"

But reading through all these posts, I think I should wait till see my result on I7 site......and see that I am REALLY FAILED or who knows..something good can come from a bag !!!

Till now, I can not see my result on I7...however, why the exam results being published on multiple sites? that creates lot of confusion....

Is anybody out here knows the passing percentage of this exam??? after the result at-least? or we have to wait for the score report for that !!!
I think, the Oreilly book is good for Entity Manager and persistence API...
yeah, these problem can occur in real exam as well.
@ that time, we might end up in losing 200$
I think, you should get a free exam voucher, for all the troubles that have caused because of this Prometric Test Center...

Why don't you register a complaint against this specific prometric test center and discuss about the kind of facilitites it provides !!!

btw..where is this center located? next time, I surely won't take my exam in this center, if it's in the same city where I am from !!!
After reading all this stuff from this thread I must consider myself very lucky.I appeared for beta on 2nd Jan(last day for taking the beta exam).I did not run into any issues....exam went just fine...I gave the exam in Pune,Maharashtra,Seed Infotech...
I appeared for the SCBCD on 2nd Jan, last day for taking Beta exam

I don't know whether the exam dates will be extended or not..but for the sake of information here is what i found in the exam...

1. exam duration makes me pretty tired, at times keeping the level of concentration is difficult.

2. There are a few questions of drag and drop, actually I was expecting many of them

3. Session beans, and MDB questions are simple and straight forward, you have to know the basics, lifecycle methods, and annotations as well.

4. Too many questions on Persistence, naturally as exam contains 180 questions, it has to happen that way...I personally found that O'reilly's contents of Java persistence are awesome and help me like anything. There are odd questions which make you think a little bit, or mark a question and try in second run

5. Interceptors, Callbacks, Timers and other stuff like 7 EJB roles, JNDI questions were pretty straight forward....Timers are little tricky...atleast for my exam

6. Finally, I simply not able to answer questions on ApplicationException with confidence....reasons..I haven't read any chaptor in any book called as "Exceptions", questions were pretty difficult and they come at the time when my concentration level is so low....

I thank Sun microsystems for giving me the chance to appear for the suggestion however..can we have a beta exam software to break the exam in 2 parts and have a break of 15-30 mins in between???

sitting for 5 and half hours without a break and keeping the concentration level for all the questions becomes really difficult..I dont know about other ranchers experience.

Have a great year to all ranchers.

take care
