saurav sarkar

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Recent posts by saurav sarkar

Hi All,

We have been trying to write an Eclipse based tool which automatically checks the JUnit code written based on PMD.

We already have some basic checks for JUNits given by PMD like test names, proper usage of asserts, etc.
We have also written some checks which checks the JUNits wiritten for our frameworks and also using Eclipse UIs.

I have been also thinking of checking proper usage of mocking using JMocks.
Also thinking about checking usage of patterns in writing JUnit code.

Would like to know more about and discuss about the common testing pitfalls in JUnits which have been seen .
Also would like to know about any feedback/comment on ours effort.

12 years ago
Hi Sanjey,

Here actually the type of reference is an interface but it is actually
poniting to an implementation of ExecutorService.

The method Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHREDS); actually
returns an implementation of ExecutorService.

13 years ago
Hi Akilan,

You can have a look of how to setup Struts in Eclipse.

Also commercial IDEs like MyEclipse provides support for struts.

Hi Rahul,

Eclipse itself provides a nice help and cheatsheets to start off with and for grasping of

Furthermore you can check Contains lot of Eclipse tutorials written in a simplest possible way.

And also my blog contains fair amount of Eclipse related information.

Hi Raj,

Couple of more hints.

(a) Open the class and select 'Link to Editor' action on the explorer.The explorer should get itself drill down to the jar.
(b) If you have the UI, want to know the contributing class and the plug-in , just press alt+shft+f1 for the plug-in spy which helps
you to find out the class and the plug-in.

Well, the code you write needs an execution environment.
So if you write a plug-in in the design time and then for testing you need to launch a separate eclipse
application which becomes your runtime.The design time plug-in becomes a part of your target platform.

Lets say you want to test your plug-in in the design time iteself.
You need to have the built plug-in as a jar in the plug-ins folder of the IDE.
In this case the plug-ins in the plug-in folder becomes your target platform.

Check my blog for some more insight into eclipse related stuffs.

Hi Rajhans,

Does your SampleView class implements IViewPart. ?
If you are trying to create a view and contributing to the View extension point.
Your view must implement IViewPart.

Hi Nirjari,

It is because the Instance you have created is of the sub class not the super class.
sup is just a reference of type super class which is actually pointing to the instance of the sub class.

Hope it helps .

13 years ago
You are using a very old tutorial dated back to 2001.
Most of the plugin.xml syntaxes seem to be outdated.

The best way would be to go to the Eclipse.
Window->Show Views->Cheatseets.

Cheatseets are interactive way to create the plug-ins.

Other waywould be Just create a plug-in project.While you create a plug-in
project you will get a set pre-defined templates like a plug-in with View.

I hope this will help.
Also let me know which version of Eclipse you are using if the problem persists.


Bharath Raja wrote:Hi,
I want to draw/render a flow diagram through code. Is there any open source api's for rendering the graphical images. I know little bit about zest api, but it doesn't support any images none other than rectangle box (Is this right ?).

Hi Bharath,

Did you check Draw2d.

If you love eclipse you can also have a look at GEF.

GEF internally uses Draw2d and Zest.

Hi Rajhans,

Have you created your project as a plug-in project. ?
A plug-in project would essentialy have a file.

Once you have a file you can right click on it and say Run as 'Eclipse application'

So, runtime workbench is nothing but another instance of the Eclipse application where you can
test your plugin.
Let me know if you have further problems.

Hi Rajhans,

What is the problem you are getting in the article ?
It is a tutorial for creation of a view.Are you geting any error ?


deepak carter wrote:Hi All,

how to configure eclipse servlet.I heard that we have to add some jar files etc but unable to find in internet.any tutorila would help a lot.How to create a servlet using eclipse and configure tomact with eclipse.Meanwhile i will use a notepad

Thanks in advance

In addition to what Maneesh mentioned you can also download the Eclipse IDE for JEE.
This IDE will contain all the plug-ins for Web related stuff like Servlet,JSP, etc.

It can be downloaded from here

Hi Sumit,

I am sure your database is out of the network and you have set all the proxy settings through the Eclipse preference page.

If everything above is taken care and still you are having the blues then i suggest the following.

(a) Try the same connection from outside your network which does not have any proxy settings.
(b) Check in a fresh instance and in a fresh workspace of eclipse.

Hi Mathew,

Does this link help ?

if not dont hesitate to ask further questions.
