Estevao Rohr

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since Jan 09, 2007
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Recent posts by Estevao Rohr


Are the other certifications, related to PMP? Is there a certification path?

Thanks in advance,
Estevao Rohr.

Does any one the origin of the name "Enterprise Java Bean"?

Estevao Rohr.

I'd like to know what must be sent to Sun as the result of the application implementation, beyond the JAR executable file.

Maybe the answer is that it varies, depending on the assignment?

Estevao Rohr.
Does the book "SOA Using Java Web Services" talks about WS-Security and its related standards?

I've been reading about these standards (WS-Security, XML Encryption, XML Signature, SAML, XACML) for my Master Degree work, and I wonder if there's some resource showing by example how to design a WS-Security-based architecture. Also another question: those are the standards I concluded I will need to implement confidenciality, integrity, authorization and authentication. Did I forget any important one?

And do you have any suggestions of tools to implement these standards?

Thank you in advance,
Estevao Rohr.
17 years ago
Does the book "SOA Using Java Web Services" talks about WS-Security and its related standards?

I've been reading about these standards (WS-Security, XML Encryption, XML Signature, SAML, XACML) for my Mastership Degree work, and I wonder if there's some resource showing by example how to design a WS-Security-based architecture. Also another question: those are the standards I concluded I will need to implement confidenciality, integrity, authorization and authentication. Did I forget any important one?

And do you have any suggestions of tools to implement these standards?

Thank you in advance,
Estevao Rohr.
17 years ago

I'm studying how to implement I18N in my application using Eclipse. I've seen a common approach is to have a file in each java source package.

However, with this approach, each time I rename a class or move it to other package, the files will stay outdated.

One solution is to internalize the class strings, refactor the class, and externalize the strings again. However, it seems not a good, fast process.

Is there a way to ease refactoring with I18N, changing the .properties files architecture or automating the changes that need to be made due to a refactor?

Thanks in advance,
Estevao Rohr.