Dan Harth

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since Jan 12, 2007
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Recent posts by Dan Harth

My apology for duplicate posts. hopefully the administrators can delete this first post! *.javaranch.com seems to be experiencing problems.
17 years ago
If I plan to add paypal options for payment to an existing e-commerce site already providing general merchant services (which is neither SOAP architecture or XML-RPC), which release of the SOAP specification does PayPal e-commerce support?

My assumption is PayPal is using SOAP, therefore do the API Transactions send back error messages in the event the transaction failed or if portions of the paypal services are not available? Does PayPal use SOAP Fault Messages for this return information?

Does the book go into some detail in these areas or similiar?
17 years ago
Is there a binary available for download for Jetspeed2 release 2.1 ?

The Jetspped source for 2.1 and all of the portlet applications sources are massive, I can't even comprehend and won't attempt to compile this massive collections of src into binaries.


Is the source code for Portlet-Application (j2-admin (version 2.1))
compatible with the Jetspeed2 core release 2.0 ?
Or are their dependencies on Core 2.1?
I hope this is an alternative option?

18 years ago
Thanks for information

Can you give me a estimate ballpark figure a typical one server installation might pay for

BEA Portal ?
IBM WebSphere Portal ?

I'm only interested in the cost of the software at this point?
18 years ago
I think BEA Portal is the Bentley of Web Portals in comparison to IBM, IMHO..

Actually Jetspeed-2 does have many j2-admin portlets already coded. I just have not configured them to display with the default installation using userId= user. Only 5 out of maybe 25 are shown without custom configuration. I need to learn how to do this?

I think Jetspeed2 is a good option, yet Liferay still seems intriging. I'm still in analysis to determine ???
Hopefully others on this forum can share similiar decision making criteria
18 years ago
omkar patkar

You mention that you run ok stand-alone? Are you running in a Portal Server (Pluto) when you run stand-alone? If you are just running a regular WEB-CONTEXT JSF application in a Servlet-container and attempting to move this same application to the Portal-Server then you get NULL errors as you described. You either need to reference this existing application externally via your Portal Software IFRAME, install a custom Bridge to allow JSF applications to work in your Portal software, or modify your application to take advance of the JSR-168 specification in the code?

Hope this helps
18 years ago
I recent install LifeRay, Jetspeed2 (based on Pluto) and Jahia (based on Jetspeed with extras).

I've spent more time recently on Jetspeed2. This product is very raw in regards to the j2-admin portlet app. I believe this app is the most important one. I would have like to see a more complete Adminstration Portlet Application. Base features like... assign users to groups, or folders or portlets is not in install demo. The api i believe explains how to code this functionality but it would have been nice if these features were already coded to a degree?

Other than that, J2 looks good. IT needs lots of customization.

The others (Liferay & Jahia (Switzerland company)) are very polished products upon installation and running thru the portlets pages. I don't have enough experience with either. Note: Jahia might not really be open-source? It could cost on average $20K because it includes a CMS and workflow portlet application with it?

Let me know your experiences with theses products....
18 years ago
Tushar Kherde

Are you having any performance issues with Liferay 4.x.x?
All custom Portlet-applications via some type of Liferay extention folder?
Would you recommend Liferay for a small business ? why?

18 years ago
Gran Roguismo

I also installed J2 recently. It seems j2-admin has many portlets but only Locale, ChangePassword, ForgotPassword and UserRegistration are the only ones usable.

Were you able to get others working? How? Or have you decide to use another Portal porduct?

18 years ago