promila singh

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since Jan 15, 2007
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Recent posts by promila singh

thanks Mikalai for your valuable suggestion.
hello everyone,

I am planning for SCDJWS exam. So I ended up with two books for theory and practicals both.
1. Developing_Java_Web_Services_-_Wiley Publishing

I have also have Study Notes-Ivan A Krizsan , this book is very good for the exam, but after going through the book I found this book have much on practical and I am new in web services and never worked in this. So decided to read it after reading anyone from above books.

please help me in choosing the right book and also suggest other books as well.

Promila singh
page 219 on HFSJ 1st ed.
Ques 12. Which statements about RequestDispatcher are true (where applicable, assume the RequestDispatcher was not obtained via a call to getNamedDispatcher())? (Choose all that apply.)
A. A RequestDispatcher can be used to forward a request to another servlet.
B. The only method in the RequestDispatcher interface is forward().
C. Parameters specified in the query string used to create a RequestDispatcher are not forwarded by the forward() method.
D. The servlet to which a request is forwarded may access the original query string by calling getQueryString() on the HttpServletRequest.
E. The servlet to which a request is forwarded may access the original query string by calling getAttribute(“javax.servlet.forward.query_string”) on the ServletRequest.

what are the correct options for answer?

In HFSJ on page 219...their is errata in the answer options...somewhere in errata i found A and E are the correct answers and some where in errata i found E is the correct answers..I have HFSJ 1st ed i hav A,D,E as checked answers..Please tell me the correct answer for this question..

I am installing MySQL Server 5.1 release 5.1.35 on Windows XP Professional... To install it I click on the mysql-essential-5.1win32.exe and it start installing it.
hi frnds,

Whenever i install mysql..d command prompt stop working..when i click to open the command window i hav to un-install it...please tell me whatz wrong i m doing with this??

I build this application..

When I entered the value in html form I got this pop-up window with message

File download - security warning

do you want to save this file?
Name: FormServlet
Type: UnKnown File Type, 24 bytes
From: localhost

then it asks for to save or cancel it..if i click save it saves the entered data into a file and if i press cancel it do not go anywhere..
Please tell me if I had given this output to show here only then why it asks to save it in any file???

hello friends,

Thank alot to all of your support, suggestions and the right directions for preparation I got from all of you...
I had completed kathy and khalid 2-3 times both of the books ...before going for mock questions..
then I did practised all kind of question form easy to tough ones..
here on javarach I find Niko's topic wise practise questions are really good ..then i completed the specific question for scjp1.6..
after that i started ExamLab mocks for 1.6(here i got 50%-65%).

I feel little sad when i got my score card in my hands that I got only 83% because i was expecting atleast 90+

...thanks again to Javaranch ..its such a great community that helps a lot...It helped me to clear all of my Java doubts even if its a silliest one.

Wish you Best of Luck for those who are preparing for this exam.

14 years ago
you are right ankit..
there was C.class in my my folder where i also compiled this class...
one more thing...this code is from ExamLab, you then check it, its the first question in practice test I mentioned that I modified it slightly..

This ques I got from ExamLab but I changed this code..My ques is even If there is no class C this still compiles fine..n don't give compiler error or any exception..why this happens paricularly with code??


Answer : The code compiles fine but throws a RuntimeException because of the second casting

Vehicle is Colorable, both exist in same inheritence tree. so base-class can hold its sub-class object. then why this code gives exception for second casting. Please give explaination. And if possible also provide theory/link for this concept so i can know more in depth of this concept.
m new here
thanks abhi vijay
yes you can have final methods in abstract class
try this code
abstract class abstractclass
final public void display(){
abstract void show();
public class extendedclass extends abstractclass{
public static void main(String args[]){
array aa = new array();
public void show(){