Debu Panda

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since Jan 21, 2007
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Thanks very much for the review and nice comments about the book!

Debu Panda
Lead Co-author EJB 3 In Action
16 years ago
Actually it's 99.9999% annotations. There is a single corner case you have to descriptor i.e. defining a default interceptors for an ejb-jar module.

persistence.xml is required when using EJB 3 JPA.

UserTransaction interface is defined by JTA and can be used from any classes e.g. servlet or a helper class.

If you are using BMT with EJB then you have to use this interface to manage your transaction

As far as I know latest versions of JBoss does not support a concept of Application Client Container that allows you to use @EJB injection from a remote client.

See for examples in Glassfish and OracleAS how they support DI in the client side. I had to change the code to use lookup for porting it to JBoss

I was the author of the article (: And indeed a timer has to be created by invoking a method as you have initializeTimer method. Note that automatic submission of timer will be introduced in EJB 3.1.

You are submitting an interval timer so it will run for ever until you cancel
Look at:

ts.createTimer(firstDate,<b>timeout</b>, timerName);

If you want your time out to occur at a single interval you just specify

ts.createTimer(firstDate, timerName);

Hope that helps!

Read chapter 1 of my book a

This describes what's a container is and what benefits it provide

What JDK are you using ? Sun Hotspot or IBM JDK?
Two more usages:

1. Class-Path entry to specify dependency on an external jar. For example, your ejb1-jar.jar depends upon a helper.jar

2. If you are using an application client then you specify the Main-class for the application client jar. Most application server's Application Client Container launch the application client based on the Main-Class attribute

I think spec does not mandate it. It's completely based on whether the server supports that

You can look at the MDB example at

Also look at the OracleAS code examples for my book at

What are the competitive differentiators you have with Manning's upcoming title GWT in Action (

17 years ago
when the bean is attached .. you are sure that the state of the entity is in sync with the database. The JPA provider will synchronize the state with the DB if you make any change in the entity.

You can invoke methods on a detached entity state but the JPA provider will not sync its state with the DB unless you merge the detached entity

Hope this clarifies!

It depends upon what application server you are using. Most app servers provide JAAS compliant login modules to use Active Directory. If your server does not provide one then you have to build a login module. Here is a an example of JAAS login module

I'm no JBoss expert but I've been trying to port code examples of my book to JBoss and I think I can help you out here.

Look at


jboss-ejb3x.jar --> contains all EJB 3 javax.ejb.*, javax.annotation.* and javax.interceptor classes

The EJB interfaces (home and remote) needs to be packaged on the client side
