aschwin versteegden

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since Jan 23, 2007
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Recent posts by aschwin versteegden

Rune Hellem wrote:

Bauke Scholtz wrote:I repeat, it is a bad practice. This isn't 1998. This is 2008.

But sometimes you might have to do it even if it is bad practice, currently facing a problem on WebSphere Portal where I don't get fmt:formatDate or my custom taglib to work. My post on IBM DW. So for the time being I have to use scriptlet in my app when deploying on WebSphere

But how do you deal with JAR files you use without a tag lib?
15 years ago
Hi Y'all,

The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

I was told that JDom was the alternative when dealing with XML and JAVA.
I am pretty new on JAVA as well as XML. (Please don't give me the answer
: RTFM. I have been there!)
Any way what I try to do is really simple (that's what I thought). In a JSP page I post a short XML message.

at first I write the XML to a File (this works! woopie). This file I then pass to:

in the "validate" method I do the following:
Document doc = null;
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
doc = FileInputStream(file));
That's all!

when I post anything thru the TEXTAREA field in my JSP I Will get the following message:
The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

This stuff is driving me crazy. Can anybody lend a hand?

greetz Aschwin
DO You maybe have an example of the usage of DOM parsing mechanism