Michael Vargenstien

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since Jan 27, 2007
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Recent posts by Michael Vargenstien

Well, to learn as much as possible honestly. Right now I'm currently working for a small company so I kinda to several responsibilities (probably like most people). I have the responsibilities of designing and coding EE type apps. Which is why I'm not sure which one should be next. I'm not sure how soon is too soon for taking the Architect. I've been in the industry for 5 years now.

What do you think?
Hello...I cleared this...lots of hard work but now I'm looking at the future and wondering what's the next step? I have a programmer, developer and now a web component cert. Should I try the business component or go for the architect?

Which one makes sense?
It has been done!!! Thanks to Charles, Bear, Marcus, Kathy, Bert the forums and the test makers at Whizlabs!!!

Here's the resources:

1) HFJS Book 2nd Edition

2) SCWCD Study Companion

3) Mock Exams: Whizlabs, JavaRanch SCWCD exam, Marcus Green 3 exams

Here's the approach:

As the HFJS book suggests, don't take the exam at the end of the book...wait till you feel like you are ready. Then take it...then realize you aren't ready...and study some more.

Used the HFJS as my primary resource but whenever the section was to light, I would cross reference with the Developer Companion which worked quite well. After each section, do the tests, do all the exercises. If you think you may have memorized the answers from trying to many times, switch to Lyon's book and try that chapters questions. If you don't score around a 90%, read that chapter in Lyons. Once you gotten through the books, take the whizlab exam, figure out your weak areas and concentrate on those. Do this for about 8 weeks. Spend around 2 hours a day and on weekends make it count. Save Marcus final exam for a week before the test, then tackle it, try the final exam on whizlabs a few days before...study if you don't pass. Finally, take the Mock exam.

Things to point out:

I would like to personally thank the test makers for making their questions 100% crystal clear. They ask precisely what is required to make a correct answer. I didn't have any questions like most on the mock exam which could be subject to interpretation...or worse wasn't covered at all in the book.

Best of Luck!!
Does anybody know the default behavior if a java bean doesn't completely match the request parameters how the * property behaves? Does it simply skip the setters?

For example:



ok, so point out the question, lastNameParam doesn't conform to the myBean member called "lastName".

Reason I ask is there is a similiar question in HFJS book but I didn't see anywhere where they actually mention it explicitly? Any ideas?

Lost in the sauce...I do not understand what is going on.

1) The ServletResponseWrapper is a decorator pattern in action...makes sense.

2) The Filters are configured in the DD and a filterImpl must implement the Filter interface contract...makes sense.

3) A request that is to be filtered will be matched agianst url-patterns first, in a chaining order (the order they are declared in) followed by the servlet-name chain...makes sense.

4) The servlet at the end of the chain has no idea about the filters...makes sense.

5) So how does using a custom wrapper object sent on the Filter.doChain(req,customResponseObject) notify the servlet that the incoming request is from a filter?

The only thing I can think of (guessing) is that the HttpServletResponse(response) decoration occuring, somehow says, "Hey, I'm custom and I need you servlet to respond at TheAwesomeFilter.do
Thanks for your reply.

How did you figure that out?

Are you looking at the DTD for the web.xml?

Forgive the retard factor...where can I find the DTD/XSLT|XSL that is sun friendly and (retardation continues) how can I tell its an enumeration in the describing document?

From a java perspective, I follow the Enumeration solution you described. That makes total sense.
Okay dude, I don't really get your question but I'll let you know the terminology.

getServetPort() basically will return the default port that the server is listening on. So for example, suppose you got Tomcat 5.x/6.x runnin. The default port (out of the box) is 8080. This is the port, teh server is actually listening on.

getLocalPort() is the actual port being used to service the request. Think about one million concurrent requests being sent at the same time. The container (tomcat/websphere/jboss) will internally use a port to actually service the request...why? To handle concurrent requests at the same time.

Remember one servlet, many threads. Ports are communication channels between the container. the app and the OS. They are reserved internally by the container to distinguish each apart. So if concurrent requests are being served, the container will internally use a specific port to service thread A and B.

Hope that helps.
I like both styles. Charles does an awesome job going in detail while HFJS does a great job making it stick. I actually decided to get both and I'm not dissappointed. They definetly compliment each other.

Does anybody know whether the configuration parameters for security-constraint, users-data-constraint, login-config, etc.. are case sensitive?

For example,

Ok, so I'll try to tackle it...XML is case sensitive...right. So, I'm thinking maybe this may also be the case for the DD...but, headers are not case sensitive (an exception) to the rule.

For example,

In short, is the value for <http-method>PUT</http-method> equivalent to <http-method>put</http-method>

any other areas this is also the case?

Bear, you rock!! I checked you out on LinkedIn. Awesome topics for your books. Thanks agian for your response and congrats on the Sheriff status
Looking at the Whizlab quiz, trying to figure out the difference between a tag file and a tag library descriptor file(.tag, .tagx vs .tld). Can they both exist in the same file?

Your confused poster child.
Back agian, reading HFJS for the 10th time, savorying every sentence, over analyzing, over complicating cause that how Sun rolls. So...question, I'm looking at the section "If it's NOT a string literal, it's evaluated" in scriptless JSPs on page 377 (2nd Ed).

Music is: ${musicMap[Ambient]}

Find an attribute named "Ambient". Use the VALUE of that attribute as the key into the Map, or return null.

The question is, if the Ambient attribute was bound to another scope, say session or servletContext/application, would the evaulation still work? Does it work simliar to pageContext.findAttribute("Ambient") and if it finds anything bound in ANY scope, it will evaulate it?

Any input much appreciated
Thanks for your reply. Yeah, this is the 2nd edition (Updated for EE5) version. The best way to prove this is probably just do it on my own (write an application) and post the results.

Do you think they will let met use the compiler for the test?

This book rocks...I mean, its like crack. I can't get enough... but I have a question which I don't really understand from the book. I'm tempted to believe its wrong...but I could be too because they're certified and I'm still posting.

The question is on page 358:
You have JSP Code:

It basically says what happens if the servlet code looks like this:

now, according to the book, it blows up...but here's the thing, wouldn't the variable be on the existing page since the jsp being specified is requesting a scope of request type and this is exactly the same scope that is being set in the attribute of the calling servlet BEFORE it forwards to the jsp?

Am I too interprete page 356 which states Result if the person attribute already exists in "page" scope strictly? Or is it...wrong?