Originally posted by Dominic Mack:
The finalize() method is guaranteed to be called on any object to be GC�ed
but you should see what the monkeys in thailand do... there aren't any rules there!
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
[B]What part is confusing:
Originally posted by Cindy Yang:
can anybody explain in detail how to do following code? I have trouble when using shift operator on negative.
int i = -8, j = -8;
i >>= -4;
j >>= -34;
Originally posted by Peter Lyons:
"D'OH" is a contraction... for what?
Originally posted by Alok Pota:
I would like to take two sets A & B and remove from the set B
all elements common to A & B. Is there a clean way to do this using java.util.Collections?
Originally posted by Kaushik Badiyani:
String s1,s2,s3,s4;
How many String objects are created ??
I think it is 2.
Originally posted by Richard Robbins:
How does one determine whether a String object contains a certain substring? The regionMatches functions won't do it. I need something that determines whether a given string contains a substring without regard for what the substring start and end indices are.