Santhosh ayiappan

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 30, 2007
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Recent posts by Santhosh ayiappan

As mentioned by Tim, there are lot of ways to invoke Servlets running on different URL. Apache HTTP Client provides different options to invoke the servlet.

Here is the sample program to invoke a servlet
6 years ago
You can try to integrate Active MQ with Tomcat to accomplish the Messaging functionality.

Active MQ

10 years ago
Can you try something like this ?

Use the for-each block to iterate the Address and use something like position() to get the correct values
All the resources like Statement, Connection should be closed in the finally block.

You have to use the execute or executeUpdate method to perform the insert operation.

executeQuery ExecuteQuery should be used for the Select
10 years ago
You can consider the below api's to measure the Performance.


You can create a Foreign JMS Provider within your app server to point to the MQ Object. Once the Foreign JMS Provider is created, you should be able to use the javax.jms API to consume/post messages to the Queue.
EJB . you can refer this url to create the bean.
What type of bean you wanted to create ? Session or Entity ??
Open Chrome, Press F12 and then invoke your Java Script code that you have written to consumes the webservice. Under the Network tab, you can see what happened to your service call.

10 years ago
There are many ways to consume a rest service. You can use HttpURLConnection or you can use the Jersey api to consume the service.

One such example can be found in the below link.

Code to consume Rest Service
10 years ago
You can use the XML Parser as you wish (DOM/SAX) and construct a Document object.

Then parse the LoginDetailsVO object and extract the values and set them to the Document object and finally you can convert the Document object to String and return that.

This link would be a starter for you. Dom Parser

12 years ago
You need to construct a XML with all the user details and return the xml as String to the caller.
12 years ago
Execute the code and share the output/errors if any....