Hemant Sharma

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Recent posts by Hemant Sharma

Hi Amit,

Showing/hiding of portlets/pages can be achieved using the Visibility Rules created using the Personalization Rule Picker provided by WPS 6.0. In some of the cases Attribute based Administration using Access Control can also be useful.

Following links from IBM Infocenter for WPS 6.0 may be useful
Visibility Rules
Hiding pages on the site
Attribute Based Administration
[ June 17, 2008: Message edited by: Hemant Sharma ]
16 years ago

Originally posted by Shashidhar Rao:
Could anyone tell me what are the various certifications in market.

You can go for Test 829: IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Application Development.
Also, available is Test 399: IBM WebSphere Portal V5.1 - Application Development.
16 years ago
More than one portlets are packaged in the same war
- When we have related portlets which need to share the same context which
contains all resources such as images, properties files and classes.
- Theres a need to share resources and send messages among the portlets to communicate events.
16 years ago
Hi Murugesan,

Originally posted by murugesan govind:
Portlets are Pluggable WebSphere Portal Web components,
�Portlets are windows into WebSphere Portal content

Correction is required here - WebSphere Portal is NOT the ONLY portal but one of the portals. Portlets are used by portals as pluggable user interface components that provide a presentation layer to Information Systems.
16 years ago

Hibernate Criteria Queries is one of the best options to go, when you have multiple search fields.
16 years ago

What you are stating as a problem, is actually a normal behaviour of portlets. The render parameters allow the portlet to store its navigational state. And until the render parameters are not changed or an action request is made, the navigational state is maintained.
In your case neither of the above two are happening and hence your portal/portlets are behaving normally.
16 years ago

Please provide the piece of code you are using to load the preferences and to save the preferences.
16 years ago

Originally posted by viswam konkepudi:
My doubt is portlet:createReturnURI will take us to caller portlet
example like back button in edit to go to view mode.,

You can use '<portlet:renderURL portletMode="view"/>' while creating Back url in Edit mode to go to View mode.

I fi use the portletAPI:actionURI for the action phase will it give the same behaviour or i need to specify the portletMode="view" something like that .,

Specifying portletMode="view" or "edit" while creating an action url depends whether its required to bring the portlet into View mode or Edit mode after the action phase.
e.g. The action url <portlet:actionURL portletMode=�edit�> will bring the portlet to Edit mode after the action phase, and the url <portlet:actionURL portletMode=�view�> will bring the portlet to View mode after the action phase.

You can always refer the Portlet Tag Library in the JSR-168 Portlet Specification for more detail on actionURL and renderURL, like when to use, how to use, how to pass parameters etc.
[ February 25, 2008: Message edited by: Hemant Sharma ]
16 years ago

The replacement for <portletAPI:createReturnURI/> of IBM API in JSR 168 API is <portlet:renderURL/> if url is created for Render Phase and <portlet:actionURL/> if url is created for Action Phase.

In your case

Originally posted by viswam konkepudi:
Here Im posting the scenario

IBM portlet :

<portletAPI:createReturnURI><portletAPI:URIAction name='AddButton'/>

<portlet:actionURL/> can be used.
16 years ago

/// we declare the portlet preferences in portlet.xml and because the values are to be loaded from a DB by a bean , we do not hard-code it but instead use the PortletPreferences object in doView() to change it.
we have the code for pulling the values from the DB and assigning it to the preferences, but for some reason , the values doesnt show up , when the portal page is rendered for the first time.

Portlets can only modify preferences attributes during a processAction invocation. It seems you are trying to set the preference value in doView() and NOT calling the store() method, otherwise you would have got IllegalStateException. Please note you can't modify preferences in render phase.

Following may serve as workaround for your problem in doView:
  • You can pass value from DB as the default value parameter while invoking the getValue() or getValues() methods of PortletPreferences to get values of respectice preferences.
  • Have logic to print/show the above preferences values in View mode.
  • 16 years ago

    The encodeURL method of the RenderResponse object creates the correct link to other resources within the portlet (images, JSPs, applets, etc.). A root relative path is passed to this method. To obtain the correct path use the RenderRequest.getContextPath() method to prepend your path.

    In the above case the url will be something like <%= renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/default/top_left.gif")%>
    16 years ago

    If you keep the jar in WEB-INF/lib and the jar is changing frequently, then you will need a fresh deployment (even though there was no change in portlet application) every time the jar is updated.

    Its always good to keep common jars in shared/app.
    16 years ago

    There's no need to delete existing war file, install updated one and add portlet to page again while redeployment. Instead, simply update the existing war file (through admin console). The portlet on the page will automatically be updated.
    16 years ago

    You can put all the common jars in the shared\app\ directory of the portal server.
    16 years ago

    Check if you have included the proper taglib for the jstl-core in the jsp.
    16 years ago