Ram Deshpande

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since Feb 07, 2007
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Recent posts by Ram Deshpande

I don't think so. Lot of lay off has already happened.
In Mar/ Apr, you will be in better state to know market trend again.
So apply visa and be prepared.
UK/US already declared recession so fingers cross.
16 years ago
Market is badly dead...
impossible to start moving till mid next year..
16 years ago
Financial conditions are bit weak in UK ... and current Q'ter is mostly depressing...
Ask your consultant to get first 6 month job grantee...This will give you some stability and time to understand market need..
30K is good salary considering current situation.
16 years ago
This is funniest post, I ever seen before.
Sachin, Go ahead and apologize / talk with your manager and break the ICE.
I feel your behavior is not respectful / immature / unprofessional towards your manager.
Also Learn from Mistakes.

16 years ago
Most of the ranchers will clear their views after reading your in depth knowledgeable prospect on this thread.

Cheers Tim !!!

16 years ago
Though US recession going to HIT Indian IT market, NRN has quoted differently.
US recession is another opportunity to INDIAN IT giant�s to enforce many foreign companies to do more and more OFFSHORE.
And after every recession like situation will enforce foreign companies to look cheaper labor/labour comprising QUALITY which will be improved later time.
And it�s already started�
Currently UK has similar situation and many clients forced to do more OFFSHORE due to recession.

16 years ago
I believe ability to sell is one of key factor to be a pay master.
As far as my understanding, don�t stick with any technology.
Be JACK of ALL [Technology] and MASTER of at least one FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN area. This will be easiest way to get what you want.

16 years ago
I suggest you to be a JACK of ALL (Technologies) and MASTER of ONE (Technology). Take exposure to all type of software projects [SUPPORT / DEVELOPEMNT / MAINTENICE / PRODUCTION SUPPORT]
Each time, you will find different LIFE Cycle to execute these projects.

Jeanne, I am fully agreeing with you. Maintenance project has their own complexity in terms of understanding logic written by someone and comparatively less time to deliver and many more...

Hope this help.

16 years ago
Increasing H1-B quota will increase more foreign workers in USA. Surely it will reduce more jobs from �skilled� American developers. Weak economy will drive more off shoring to low cost countries which may create threat to onshore developers. It will reduce few more jobs from �skilled� American developers.
But best talent will always remain unaffected.

16 years ago
Indian nationalities are highest in number for doing their higher studies in USA and UK ... MS or PHD or GMAT and name the few...
Though Indian Education system is theoretical but still IIT and IIM graduate are @ most valued through out the world.

16 years ago
Talent is always recognizes in any situation. Current IT situation @ Onshore is becoming more critical because of �off shoring� irrespective of QUALITY. Corporate may retain highly skilled TECHI for a short run but not for long run. Similar QUALITY may exist or FORCED to exist in FUTURE @ off shore.
Still I would like to go with Mark and lets TIME decides about FUTURE of every one.

16 years ago
Today, corporate world is going to do a cost cutting either making manual process to automation or either hiring H1B consultant largely from Indian nationality.
Indian IT Industry is becoming more and more mature currently and in future, it will defiantly threat to all ONSHORE center.
This is not my personal suggestion but KPMG has advice to one of my client to do more off shoring to reduce cost. In effect, client has decided to cut 1000 jobs over a period of time.
Today, IT has on the way to INDIA and eventually business as well.

16 years ago
Better to consult with your family / experience doctors...
This is just suggestion, If do not like please ignore.

17 years ago