Harish SK

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since Jun 01, 2001
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Recent posts by Harish SK

Is it true that using JNDI you will never get a reurn value from session context's getCallerPrincipal(), other than UNAUTHENTICATED? and you MUST use JAAS?
I followed instructions in Websphere Security handbook (WAS 5.0) but always get UNAUTHENTICATED when I try to getCallerPrincipal(), I am at my wit's end.
If it is stated explicitly in some Websphere documentation that with JNDI lookup, you will never succeed in getting caller principal, I will give up without wasting any more time.
21 years ago
Is it true that using JNDI you will never get a reurn value from session context's getCallerPrincipal(), other than UNAUTHENTICATED? and you MUST use JAAS?
I followed instructions in Websphere Security handbook (WAS 5.0) but always get UNAUTHENTICATED when I try to getCallerPrincipal(), I am at my wit's end.
If it is stated explicitly in some Websphere documentation that with JNDI lookup, you will never succeed in getting caller principal, I will give up without wasting any more time.
21 years ago
I am trying to use websphere in 'Local OS' security mode where websphere gets the users information from Local OS. (I don't want to have my own Custom registry)
My application needs to get the list of users and groups, I have found that there is a class 'UserRegistryImpl' used by websphere which gets this in a OS independent manner, is there a documentation or any information of any kind on how it can be used?
21 years ago
I found the answer, following should be part of classpath
1. %WAS_CLASSPATH%; (set by running setpCmdLine.cmd on windows)
2. lib\namingclient.jar
3. lib\ecutils.jar
Lastly and very important, the Websphere JVM should used, a strange requirement for a Java application J2EE client.
21 years ago
I am trying to write a java application access an EJB deploed on websphere 5.0. What are the jars that need to be oin the classpath? I tried setupCmDline and still getting....
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtOperati
21 years ago
It never worked for me(never got the classes generated on startup), I use weblogic 6.1 SP4.
I have set the context-param described in BEA documentaion for 6.0.
21 years ago
If I include a JAR file in web-application classpath, it does not work, but if I expand the classes into a directory structure, and specify that diectory in the web-app classpath, it works. What may I be missing?
23 years ago
I have a program connecting HTTPS running on JDK1.2.2 which works. WHen I import the same program including JSSE.jar into Visual Age I get untrusted server cerificate in chain exception.
How should the cacerts be imported in Visual-Age and should I change something in java.security, what are the steps involved?
Everything does not seem to be in admin.config, where are the files containing information regarding servlet-engines, datasources, weapps created using Admin-Console stored??
This is because I would like a script doing deployment for me.
23 years ago
I have not used IBM HTTP server and websphere in a different machine yet. But you can deploy servlets from the Administrator's console easily. Just refer to the already deployed sample servlets. Mostly you will have to set classpath where the servlet class is available and the URL to be used to access the servlet.
23 years ago
I use iiop://localhost:900 for looking up JNDI for datasources etc,. Still confused about diffence between bootstrap port (900) and LSD port(9000)
iiop://localhost:9000 did not work and I did not do anything to set the ports during installation, everything is default.
23 years ago
In windows if you create a new acount for websphere with all required privileges (IBM site has a detailed list).
Don't forget to unset 'change password at first logon'
23 years ago
When I execute a java program in IBM Visual Age IDE which uses connection pool in WebSphere and does pool.getConnection, following exception is thrown...
(Relevant features for websphere are installed in Visual-Age IDE)
java.sql.SQLException: Error loading JDBC driver: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
java.sql.Driver com.ibm.ejs.cm.JDBCDataSource.loadAndCheckDriver()
com.ibm.ejs.cm.pool.ConnectionFactory com.ibm.ejs.cm.JDBCDataSource.createConnectionFactory()
javax.sql.DataSource com.ibm.ejs.cm.DataSourceImpl.getSource()
java.sql.Connection com.ibm.ejs.cm.DataSourceImpl.getConnection()
void DsTest.main(java.lang.String [])
23 years ago
Yes I had found that out was using db2java.zip from db2's directory. Problem is that the connection pool works from a servlet deployed in websphere but gives exception when I try to use connection pool from a client program in IBM Visual Age.
Can anybody help in this forum?
23 years ago
I am getting the following exception while trying to access connection pool for DB2 (oracle datasource works) I am using the .....app.DB2Driver available in db2java.zip available when DB2 is installed. I inatalled the driver using Admin Console of DB2.
*** SQLException caught ***
java.sql.SQLException: Error loading JDBC driver: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
java.sql.Driver com.ibm.ejs.cm.JDBCDataSource.loadAndCheckDriver()
com.ibm.ejs.cm.pool.ConnectionFactory com.ibm.ejs.cm.JDBCDataSource.createConnectionFactory()
javax.sql.DataSource com.ibm.ejs.cm.DataSourceImpl.getSource()
java.sql.Connection com.ibm.ejs.cm.DataSourceImpl.getConnection()
void DsTest.main(java.lang.String [])
23 years ago