Free for a limited time. I'm about to release a product and would appreciate a bit of user feed-back first. Free single-user license and code if you're willing to let me know about any problems you encounter and provide general feedback. email contact:
[email protected]
XPL (eXtensible Process Language) - It's like XML but you can include "special characters" (<,>,",',&) in text elements - without escaping or wrapping.
When you need lots of special characters in the data, XPL files are easy to create and maintain.
(It incidentally fixes encoding mismatches). website:
The core of this product is a Java package built within the HLL Project in support of heavy use of source code in XML.
?xpl .... it's like ?xml except for the special characters in text elements.
The XPL processor is based on a pull parser - very StAX like and called StAX-PL.
XPL processing can be used on its own, instead of XML in simple limited cases. When you need the full power of XML, StAX-PL is a preprocessor.
You can get more details on the website:
The download (jar file) includes source code for StAX-PL reader and writer (customizable handler class), and quick start source code for StAX, SAX, and DOM processing.
I'm particularly interested in the initial experience. How easy is it to get started working with XPL given the software and instructions provided. --- you got the jar file ... you extracted the software ... you looked at the quick start docs, starting with README ... quickly ran the examples and they worked. No problem re-compiling. (and since you read the quick start docs you knew how easy that was). Easy to understand that you can easily integrate XPL processing into an application ... using your choice of IDE, whatever? I mean, how did it go "right out of the box" so to speak?
Contact me by email if you're interested.
[email protected]